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Start of Joe Biden government to allow continuity of trade agenda with the US, says CNI

The National Confederation of Industry (CNI) evaluates that the beginning of the Democratic government Joe Biden in the United States will allow the continuity of the agenda of bilateral agreements with the United States to prepare the Brazilian businessman for free trade.

CNI President Robson Braga de Andrade says that Brazilian industry has a history of good relationships with Democratic governments and that the current moment represents a convergence in the economic scenario of the two countries, which have reciprocal values ​​and interests.

During the term of former President Barack Obama, of which Joe Biden was deputy, Brazil and the United States advanced on important common agendas, with the signing of the Open Skies, social security and economic and commercial cooperation agreements. Now, the private sector has great expectations for the beginning of negotiations on bilateral agreements with the United States. The national industry, through the Brazil-States Business Council, defends a broad work agenda with this commercial partner.

Among the priorities are agreements to avoid double taxation and investments. The industry also advocates a dialogue to remove barriers to trade and investment between the two countries. At the same time, it works following a roadmap of actions to prepare for negotiations on a free trade agreement. Another priority is the implementation of the good regulatory practices and trade facilitation agreements signed last year.

“We hope that this agenda will be accelerated in the coming years”, says Robson Braga de Andrade.

CNI believes that the economic recovery programs and the reduction of carbon emissions, presented during the election campaign by Joe Biden, if implemented, may provide an opportunity for the return of sustained GDP growth in the United States. For CNI, this factor will be very beneficial for the Brazilian industry, because the United States is the main destination for Brazilian exports of industrialized products, accounting for 24% of the total shipped.

The two programs presented by Biden in the campaign also create an additional opportunity for bilateral cooperation between the two countries because Brazil, like the United States, is an environmental power and Brazilian industry has a consistent agenda in the field of sustainable development, especially Amazon.


Souce: Comex do Brasil



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