Marcon Logística Portuária

With an increase of 34%, Paraná should harvest 646 thousand tons of beans in 2024

Climatic conditions have affected agricultural production across practically the entire country, and in Paraná, they have also reduced potential. Even so, in some crops, such as beans, the expectation is for higher production than the previous harvest. According to the Subjective Harvest Forecast (PSS) released this Wednesday (29) by the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), beans had an increase in area in this second harvest, going from 294.7 thousand hectares in the 2022/23 cycle to 402.9 thousand hectares now.

However, of the 800 thousand tons initially projected, it is now estimated that 646 thousand tons will be harvested. Despite the drop in potential, production should be 34% higher than the previous cycle, when 481 thousand tons were harvested in the second harvest.

In the first bean harvest, the State harvested 170.3 thousand tons. As a result, the total produced, including the two harvests, will be 818 thousand tons. “This large momentary supply of production puts pressure on the prices received by the producer, which have been falling since March, at the beginning of the harvest”, stated the crop analyst at Deral, Carlos Hugo Godinho. “This is also reflected in the wholesale and retail market, with retail prices at their lowest level this year, both for black and carioca beans.”

The total volume of the harvest, including all crops, is estimated at 39.9 million tons, which is 13% lower than the 45.9 million tons of the previous cycle.

CORN – In the case of the second corn harvest, which is still in the field, the initial forecast was that 14.7 million tons could be harvested. However, the new estimate points to 13.2 million tons. The harvest, which normally starts in June, is now underway, with 4% of the 2.4 million hectares removed from the field.

“The consequences of the very strong heat at the beginning of the cycle must be observed as the harvest progresses, with a tendency for production to fall,” pondered Edmar Gervásio, crop analyst at the department. Of what is on the field, around 51% can be considered in good condition, 32% in average condition, and 17% in poor condition. “This is an indication of lower production,” said Gervásio.

Corn was planted earlier and occupies part of the soybean space. In the case of oilseeds, the harvest has already ended with production of approximately 18.4 million tons. Starting this Sunday (02), the period of sanitary emptiness begins with a ban on any emerging soybean plant in the West, Central-West, Northwest and North regions of Paraná for 90 days. The Southwest starts on June 22nd, while the rest of the State starts on June 21st.

WHEAT – The expectation for wheat continues to be an increase in production, with a forecast of harvesting 3.8 million tons, exceeding the 3.6 million tons of the 2022/23 harvest by 4%, even though the area may decrease by 1.42 million hectares to 1.12 million hectares (21% less). For now, 59% of the area has been planted, and development is good for 82% of the seeds that are already in the field. “It should evolve a lot next week,” predicts Godinho.

OLERICULTURE – According to agronomist Paulo Andrade, who analyzes the sector at Deral, potatoes, and tomatoes are the main crops among the 51 most traditional vegetable crops in the State. Second-crop potatoes, planted on 10.5 thousand hectares, can yield 317.8 thousand tons, a volume 5% lower than the 334.5 thousand tons harvested in the previous cycle. “It is a product subject to the climate market,” said Andrade.

First-crop tomatoes will have a small increase. The estimate is to harvest 146 thousand tons, an increase of 1% compared to 145 thousand tons last year. The harvest is practically finished. The second harvest, which has 66% of the 1,600 hectares harvested, could reach 109,000 tons, falling within forecasts.

OTHER CROPS – Of the other crops produced in this period in Paraná, irrigated rice also shows a decrease in production due to heavy rains in the final months of 2023, which forced replanting in some areas. It was planted on 18.3 thousand hectares, expected to produce 126.8 thousand tons, a volume 17% lower than the 152.6 thousand tons in the 2022/23 harvest.

Barley should have good production, with a forecast of 334.6 thousand tons, which represents growth of 20% over the 278 thousand tons in the previous cycle. The main drop in area occurred in the Guarapuava region, which is expected to lose its leadership in grain production to the Ponta Grossa region.

Sugarcane, which had excellent production in the 2022/23 harvest, with 35 million tons, is on track to present a good harvest now, with a forecast of 33 million tons. There is also a prospect of a drop in coffee, from 44 thousand tons to 41.7 thousand tons. On the other hand, cassava did not suffer from adverse weather conditions and could have a 6% higher production, going from 3.4 million tons to 3.7 million tons.

BULLETIN – Also this Wednesday, Deral released the Agricultural Situation Bulletin for the week of May 23rd to 29th. In addition to comments on some of the summer crops, he talks about onions, beef, pork, turkey and chicken.


Source: Agência de Notícias do Paraná



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