Marcon Logística Portuária

ANTAQ visits the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina

Portos do Paraná received a visit from a delegation from the National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ) this Tuesday (07). The directors, Alber Furtado de Vasconcelos Neto and Caio César Farias Leôncio, and the head of the Curitiba regional unit, Thiago Fernando Bonetti, learned about the work carried out in the ports of Paraná.

“The delegation visited the Antonina Channel and the Port of Paranaguá, visiting the entire land and seaport area of the region. The group understood a little about our processes, and on this productive day we presented all our major projects, our major initiatives, which Portos do Paraná has been implementing since January 2019”, highlighted the CEO, Luiz Fernando Garcia.

Currently, Portos do Paraná is a three-time champion in the Regulatory Compliance category at the ANTAQ Awards, a theme that assesses care in complying with standards and monitoring risks. “It is very satisfying to be here visiting a port that is a reference in management. Even ANTAQ itself recognizes the management of Portos do Paraná, with more than 10 leases placed there. We have great expectations regarding the three major areas that will be put out for bid, and apart from this unbelievable project that is Moegão”, emphasized director Alber Furtado.

The Moegão project is considered the largest port intervention under development in Brazil. Portos do Paraná will pay for it, budgeting R$592 million. The new railway hopper will centralize the unloading of trains arriving at the Port of Paranaguá.

“I would like to thank President Luiz Fernando for his receptiveness and for showing us all the characteristics of the ports. Our technical visit aims to verify these new leases, which were shown to be undergoing almost a revolution in the port’s superstructure”, commented director Caio Farias.

Portos do Paraná was the first Brazilian Port Authority with the delegation of powers to carry out studies and auction the available areas. It is now preparing to offer the market three more areas for storing solid vegetable bulk. In total, PARs 14, 15, and 25 are linked to the new pier and should further increase the handling and storage capacity at the Port of Paranaguá.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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