Marcon Logística Portuária

Ports of Paraná should reach the historic mark of movement even in a pandemic year

Everything indicates that, in the coming days, the Ports of Paraná should reach the historic mark of movement reached in 2019: 53 million tons. A month before the end of the year and with all the adversities faced due to the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, Portos do Paraná should close 2020 with the largest cargo movement in history.

The continuous breaking of records is a direct consequence of efficient management, which this week was awarded the best public management of ports in the country by the Ministry of Infrastructure. The company from Paraná was also considered the best in Brazil, in the category of Execution of Planned Investments, with an index of 81.8%.

For the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, winning the awards validates the work in progress and encourages new improvements to be put into practice. “We have to understand ports in a more consolidated way. Ports in Brazil are looking for improvements, promoting investments. This encourages us to improve even more, planning the future of the ports in Paraná, ”says Garcia.

The improvement in the administrative organization was the starting point for all the changes established in the company. According to Garcia, by improving the administrative organization, the ports of Paraná were able to start the planning work. “We were able to adapt to all existing questions, including the Court of Auditors, the Public Ministry, the Regulatory Agency. With everything equalized, we were able to effectively start designing port planning, something that did not exist before ”, he adds.

With the investments made and projects contracted, the current management is designing the future of the ports of Paraná for the next 40 years. Investments in the order of R $ 1 billion are planned in land and maritime infrastructure works in the coming years. In the continuous dredging program alone, there will be R $ 403.3 million in the next five years. The executive project for the new Export Corridor is also underway; the refurbishment of the Flammable Pier (R $ 28.5 million); and the demolition of Pedra da Palangana (R $ 23.2 million), among others. In addition, the port has already delivered works to expand the pier and modernize berth 201, with investments of almost R $ 178 million. Before that, in 2019, the recovery of Avenida Bento Rocha (R $ 15.9 million) and the new BR-277 overpass (R $ 12.7 million) were delivered.

The recently awarded efficiency enabled Paraná to be the first state in Brazil to have decentralized management and assume the administration of the exploration contracts for the organized ports. With more efficiency and autonomy, the ports of Paraná have managed to speed up their processes.

Autonomy has already begun to bear fruit. Earlier this year, Klabin, the largest producer and exporter of packaging paper in Brazil, won the public bid and will start to manage a terminal for handling general cargo in Paranaguá, especially cellulose. The initial investment was R $ 1 million and the company intends to make investments of R $ 130 million in the area. The area exploration contract is for 25 years (extendable for another 45 years). There were no new leases in Paranaguá in two decades. The future leases will be controlled by the public company Portos do Paraná, which is the only one in the country to have this possibility.

TECHNOLOGY – In August this year, Portos do Paraná hired the Valenciaport Foundation, a center for research, innovation and training in the port logistics sector, headquartered in the port of Valencia, Spain, and operating in ports in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Middle East. The projects developed jointly with Valenciaport will structure the Port Community System, a platform for exchanging data from the port community, and the Port Collaborative Decision Making (PortCDM), a new model for managing maritime operations, in real time, among all agents involved in ship arrival and departure operations. In addition, the partnership discusses issues of digital security and data protection technology.

“We hire this expertise to help us design a strong technological environment, which allows us to work with all the information that circulates in the port environment, today in a dispersed way, so that we can consolidate it in a single base and, with that, have information flow so that decision making is based on facts and figures and not on emotion ”, explains Garcia.


Source: Bem Paraná



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