Marcon Logística Portuária

Ports are expected to reach 57 million tons and consolidate record

After breaking the record of the year in the movement of goods on November 30, with 53.3 million tons, the ports of Paraná should register more than 4 million tons in December. There is optimism among the port companies because with the result of the last month, 2020 will close with a total of more than 57 million tons. The volume, which consolidates this year’s historic mark, is 9% higher than that of 2019, which had also been a record.

Different sectors that export or import products via Paranaguá and Antonina, express positive expectations. “Despite being difficult, 2020 was a good year for port operations. We had an increase in the handling of sugar, soybeans, vegetable oil, petroleum products, containers and fertilizers ”, says Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of the public company Portos do Paraná.

In sugar exports alone, the increase is already 70%. The November data are not consolidated, but more than 3.6 million tons of the product left Brazil through the port of Paranaguá. “We exceeded our domestic sugar export record. It was a delicate moment, which required creativity to protect and support our employees, ”said Pasa’s director, Pérsio Souza de Assis.

The solid export bulk, pulled by soybeans and bran, continues with the heated market. The main products handled in Paraná have already accumulated growth of over 40% in the year. “Brazil has a huge responsibility to continue feeding the world in a safe and responsible way and the Port of Paranaguá has a fundamental role in this regard. There were records after records, be it of cradle efficiency, of the Export Corridor, greater movements. This is all the result of the joint work of the private sector and the public sector ”, recalls André Maragliano, director of the Association of Terminals of the Paranaguá Export Corridor (Atexp).

IMPORTS – Imports are expected to resume and increase business. “The port reinforces its role in delicate moments like the one we are experiencing. We believe that a management with a look of care and solidarity makes all the difference and the recognition of the market is the result of this type of practice ”, evaluates Rivadávia Simão, president of the Association of Port Operators of Solid Import Bulk Port of Paranaguá (Agrasip) .

The feeling is shared by companies that move liquid bulk. The sector expects to close 2020 with an increase of 10% compared to 2019. “Despite the difficulty that the pandemic imposed on the market, together we demonstrated that we are much stronger”, said Lucas Cézar Guzen, commercial manager Cattalini.

Container shipping, which was affected worldwide, managed to grow in Paraná. “Even with the pandemic scenario, we achieved excellent results, broke several handling records and reached the mark of 6.9 million tons of cargo handled in containers. This volume corresponds to the total movement of more than 810 thousand TEUs until the month of October, an increase of 5.9% in relation to the volume of 2019 ”, reveals the commercial director of TCP, Thomas Lima.

SHIPS – The number of ships received in the year also approaches the historic mark. From January to November, there were 2,254 moorings. Last year, in 12 months, there were 2,402. For this, the work of shipping agencies and piloting was essential.

“The Port of Paranaguá has a great differential, which is the integration and partnership between the administration of the ports and the port community. Everyone contributed to the adoption of regulations, rules, protocols and procedures ”, assesses the president of the Union of Maritime Agencies of Paraná, Argyrys Ikonomou.

“Since the beginning of 2019, pilotage has been developing internal work to make the best possible use of the tides. The intention is to optimize the operational windows, which allow maneuvering of ships. This algorithm is constantly being improved and I believe it has contributed to the performance of 2020 ”, says Felipe Mattos, administrative director of Paranaguá Pilots.

ANTONINA – At the port of Antonina, the main products handled were soybean meal, sugar and fertilizer. “The ports of Paraná have been contributing, for a long time, to the country’s trade balance. We are optimistic about 2020 and we believe that even better results will be achieved ”, assesses the administrative and financial director of TPPF, Alex Sandro de Ávila.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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