Marcon Logística Portuária

With national certification, security at the Port of Paranaguá is among the best in the world

Declaration of Compliance received this Thursday (26) attests that the port facility in Paraná is among the best in the world in terms of security.

As of this Thursday (26), the Port of Paranaguá is among the safest in the world with the right to certification delivered by hand by the National Commission for Public Security in Ports, Terminals and Waterways (Conportos). The facilities had already been audited in 2021, but the Declaration of Compliance, which attests to the safety of the Paraná port structure, was yet to be received. The document is further proof of the administrative efficiency of Portos do Paraná and also an additional guarantee for commercial partners.

“This certificate shows that the Port of Paranaguá is part of a select group of ports in Brazil and around the world that are in compliance with international safety requirements and standards, and confirms the great effort that we all spend to comply with these standards and regulations. We now have yet another certification that demonstrates excellence and the effort to always be among the best”, said the Environment director and acting CEO, João Paulo Ribeiro Santana.

INTERNATIONAL PARAMETERS – The Declaration of Compliance is a document issued by the Brazilian Government showing that the Port of Paranaguá complies with international parameters such as the International Code for the Protection of Ships and Port Facilities (ISPS Code). “It is a safety certification with international scope and perspectives and which places the Port of Paranaguá at the forefront of what is most modern in terms of safety”, explains Marcelo João da Silva, president of Conportos.

According to the manager of the Administrative Unit for Port Security (Uasp), Cézar Kamakawa, the document places the Port of Paranaguá on another level. “The operations that take place in Paranaguá have an international standard that is being complied with, and this audit provoked the search for knowledge from all sectors, the rapport and collaboration between all, who were engaged and actively participated so that this work was properly carried out. ”, he says.

For the coordinator of the State Commission for Public Safety in Ports, Terminals and Waterways (Cesportos), Alessandro Vivone, the public company’s engagement in the search for the certificate was important. “President Luiz Fernando Garcia committed to resolving the entire documental issue related to security for the Port to comply with the Declaration deliberated by Conportos e Cesportos, and he complied. This achievement is a great satisfaction for us”, he says.

ISPS CODE – The ISPS code started to be implemented by the International Maritime Agency so that the maritime mode was not used as the air mode after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. “The assets, their vulnerabilities, consequences, threats that can reach the port and, from there, a work plan is built, of security to face, to mitigate these risks of threats and vulnerabilities”, explains Da Silva.

The document is valid for five years. During this period, the Port of Paranaguá needs to keep all parameters up to date and is subject to inspections.

“Occasionally, other inspections can be carried out, so all this safety part needs to be maintained, this safety culture must be maintained in all sectors of the Port of Paranaguá”, concludes Federal Police delegate and Cesportos member Bruno Bassani Rebelo.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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