Marcon Logística Portuária

Portos do Paraná innovates and launches a panel with the progress of its acts and projects

Portos do Paraná innovates once again and starts to offer from this Monday, the 30th, a panel with daily updates on its main indicators in project management. The Appaboard, as it is called, aims to publicize the internal and external audiences regarding the progress of the public company’s structuring acts and projects. The new tool was created at the Strategic Planning Management (GPLANES) and will be present on APPANet (intranet) and also on monitors spread throughout the company’s common areas.

“Appaboard is a visual management tool, the name comes from the dashboard view, which is a panel with management indicators. The focus is to publicize the actions and main projects of Portos do Paraná both to the internal and external audiences, since people who are not part of the organization frequently circulate around the headquarters on visits and meetings”, highlights the CEO. Luiz Fernando Garcia.

According to the executive, it is yet another way to keep everyone aligned on the company’s main structuring acts and projects. “It is yet another tool to convey the actions and reach the strategic objectives that were defined in the Strategic Plan, objectives that have a horizon of five years and this means that users must, throughout this period, through Appaboard, monitor the implementation of the Strategic Plan”, he justifies.

For the Director of Business Development, André Pioli, the panel will be another channel of communication between the company and employees. “With APPABoard we will expand internal communication and strengthen the relationship between the administration and members and servers, through a communication channel that conveys official information in real time, a fact that I see as super positive and essential for an efficient and transparent Port,” points.

According to Honorato Chudson, manager of Strategic Planning, the Appaboard will initially have three points of view, per project. “The first is the total value of the projects (to be raised and/or invested), the second is the elapsed time (counting from the President’s authorization date, until the project’s conclusion) and the last graph is the percentage of completed actions, the that have not yet started and those that are in progress. This allows the user to have the real status of each of these strategic projects of Portos do Paraná”, he informs.

For the Administrative and Financial director, Marcos Bonoski, the public company takes another step in search of a modern management culture. “The direction has been working with the boards and managements and through the application of the strategic plan itself, with innovations in management and technology and all this brings the importance of inserting Portos do Paraná in the list of companies that work with reputable management, who work with digital transformation”, he evaluates.

Garcia also highlights compliance with the legislation governing public companies. “All of this is also of legal importance since Law 13,303, to which the company is subject, brings a lot about governance, transparency and publicizing the acts and administrative information of the management”, says the CEO.

APPABOARD – The Appaboard is based on Business Intelligence (BI), which is a high-tech tool. “We already use it at Portos do Paraná, and the Appaboard is updated repeatedly, semi-automated and decentralized, where each of the managers has access to the dynamics of data entry and this dynamic is centralized in a results center and that, daily, updates what was done in those projects”, concludes Honorato.

The Appaboard will be available on monitors installed within the company’s common areas. Another way to access the intranet, restricted to employees of the public company.

Source: Portos do Paraná



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