Marcon Logística Portuária

Works at the Port of Paranaguá will expand operating capacity and speed up the unloading of fertilizers

The unloading of fertilizers will become even more agile and attractive for those operating in the Port of Paranaguá. Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior confirmed this Tuesday (29) the works to implement new conveyor belts in berths 211, 209 and 208, with an investment of R$ 800 million from the private sector, from the companies Rocha and Fertipar. The ceremony took place at Palácio Iguaçu, in Curitiba. The new belt structures will be installed on the commercial pier, which is public.

“We have to transform Paraná into the logistics center of South America because one of the concerns of large companies in the world is logistics, which costs a lot on a daily basis. And these private sector investments that we are closing are the result of this planning to expand the most efficient port in Brazil”, declared the governor. According to him, to accompany this market movement, the State is preparing two modernizations that reach R$ 2 billion in investments: the Moegão and the Export Corridor.

According to the state secretary of Infrastructure and Logistics, Sandro Alex, the expansion of the port is essential, especially for operations in the coming years. “We are completing another important step for the next decades. Today, for us in the infrastructure team, it is a time to be accountable to society. These are bold government projects in all modes, especially in Portos do Paraná, recognized as the best management and which is receiving millionaire investments,” he said.

The president of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, reinforced the importance of the works to boost the structure. “The Government has made structured planning for the infrastructure as a whole. Rail, highway, and the port have to answer. We will be able to receive more cargo, generate more jobs, attract more investments, operating at a lower and more efficient cost,” he said.

NEW CONVEYORS – Today there are belts operating only at berth 209 and they reach two terminals – the Public Fertilizer Terminal (TEFER) and Rocha. With the expansion of the dalas (structures where the belts are located), two other berths (208 and 211) and new terminals (such as Fertipar) will be able to be interconnected for the reception of solid mineral bulk.

Fertilizers can be unloaded from three ships, simultaneously, using conveyor belts. In addition to increasing the unloading capacity, the investment will provide more agility, reducing the queue for berthing and, consequently, the costs of the operation.

In the Port of Paranaguá, in addition to the three preferred berths for ships loaded with fertilizer (208, 209 and 211), there is also a private pier, with two other exclusive berths interconnected by mats (Fospar). In the Port of Antonina there are two more berths for the segment.

Fertilizer unloading is carried out with the aid of cranes (MHC type, from the quay, or on-board, from the ship itself). A kind of shell (grab) is connected to the equipment, which removes the products from the bilges of the vessels and unloads them in the funnels of the conveyor belts or the funnels under which the trucks that take the loads to the terminals pass.

WORKS – The Rocha and Fertipar port terminals, both located in the retro-area of ​​the Port of Paranaguá, intend to invest a total of R$ 800 million in this expansion project, which includes, in addition to the new conveyor belts, the construction of new warehouses. In general, the project intends to create a corridor for the discharge of fertilizers with two new independent lines. The new structure will allow the mooring of ships with greater capacity, such as the Panamax, for example.

In detail, the demolition of the current conveyor belts and transfer tower will be carried out at the pier and the implementation of new conveyor belts in the three berths. Each will be able to unload up to 1,000 tons of fertilizer per hour. In total, there will be 1,192 linear meters of conveyor belts. A new flow balance will also be set up, with the same capacity; three funnel structures on rails, with a capacity of 60 cubic meters each; and retractor equipment in berth 209.

Outside the port, three warehouses will be built by the company Rocha adding a static capacity of over 192 thousand tons, which will be added to the current 445 thousand tons that the terminal already has for the reception of cargo. These, as well as the company’s current structure, will also be interconnected to the dock belts.

Fertipar, in turn, will build another four warehouses that will add another 300 thousand tons of static capacity to the current 192 thousand tons that the company already has in storage. These new structures will also be interconnected to the reception mats of the primary range.

For these interconnections of the new warehouses, still in the rear area of ​​the port, another 1,282 linear meters of conveyor belts will be built. All this expansion will generate 350 direct jobs, in a period of about two and a half years – time that the works should last.

PUBLIC INVESTMENTS – At the event, the governor also spoke about the public notice for the exclusive hopper project for trains, the Moegão, which will receive an investment of R$ 524 million. The project aimed at the structure of the Port of Paranaguá aims to absorb the production transported by rail, already in view of the Nova Ferroeste project. The current phase is preparation for the event. Construction is expected to start in November of this year, with completion in July 2024.

The governor stated that the construction of Moegão brings more logistical efficiency and improves the lives of those who live in Paranaguá. “Railway interference in the city will be reduced from 16 to 5 points. The number of trucks will decrease, removing up to 700 vehicles a day from local traffic. Maneuvers will also get faster, operating up to 180 railcars simultaneously,” he said.

The project also foresees the adequacy of access, redistribution of internal lanes and positioning of scales and hoppers intended for grain storage. Railway unloading will be centralized in an exclusive hopper and connected to three independent lines.

Ratinho Junior also spoke about the progress of the modernization and expansion of the Export Corridor (CORREX), in the Port of Paranaguá. Portos do Paraná will invest R$ 1.3 billion in the work. The basic project is being finalized and will allow the construction of a T-shaped pier, with 4 berths, access bridge and 8 fishing towers, each with a loading capacity of 4,000 tons/hour.

“In order for these cargoes, which will arrive in the near future, to have an efficient treatment, the port needs to adjust the Moegão, which provides a much better condition for rail receipt, looking not only now, but also in the future. The new export corridor as well. The goods have to arrive on the ship efficiently, all this so that Paraná is seen not only as a very good logistic point, but also with a very cheap cost to the importer and exporter”, added Garcia.

ATTENDANCE – The vice governor Darci Piana participated in the ceremony; state secretaries João Carlos Ortega (Casa Civil), Márcio Nunes (Sustainable Development and Tourism), Marcel Micheletto (Administration and Pensions), Beto Preto (Health) and Augustinho Zucchi (Urban Development and Public Works); the director-president of DER/PR, Fernando Furiatti; the CEO of Invest Paraná, Eduardo Bekin; the CEO of Ferroeste, André Gonçalves; the coordinator of the Nova Ferroeste working group, Luiz Fagundes; federal deputies Ricardo Barros, Vermelho, Christiane Yared and Rubens Buenos; the president of the Legislative Assembly, Ademar Traiano; State Representatives Hussein Bakri (Government leader), Luiz Cláudio Romanelli, Gugu Bueno, Tião Medeiros, Alexandre Curi, Anibelli Neto, Artagão Júnior, Boca Aberta Júnior, Singer Maria Lima, Cobra Repórter, Delegate Fernando Martins, Douglas Fabrício, Evandro Araújo , Rodrigo Estacho, Élio Rusch, Dr. Batista, Guto Silva, Luiz Fernando Guerra, Maria Victoria, Nelson Justus, Pedro Paulo Bazana, Tercílio Turini, Tiago Amaral and Paulo Litro; the prosecutor and coordinator of Gaema, Dalva Marin Medeiros; IDB Brazil’s leading transport specialist Ana Beatriz de Castro; the head of the IDB’s infrastructure team, Daniel Torres Garcia; the president of the Association of Municipalities of Paraná (AMP) and mayor of Jesuits, Júnior Weiller; the administrative director of Itaipu, Admiral Paulo Roberto Xavier; in addition to mayors, vice-mayors and leaders of the benefited municipalities.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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