Marcon Logística Portuária

Leasing of areas increases investment opportunities in the Port of Paranaguá

In the coming days, the company Portos do Paraná will advance in the process of leasing two areas in the Port of Paranaguá. This Thursday (24th), the public hearing of PAR09 will take place and, on the 30th, the auction of PAR32. In addition to these, this year the expectation is to bid on two other areas – PAR14 and PAR15.

“The leases allow exploring areas not occupied or explored through precarious contracts”, explains the director-president of the public company, Luiz Fernando Garcia. “The intention is to make the port of Paranaguá increasingly efficient and compatible with the level of performance required for Brazilian logistics. With the attraction of new businesses, new jobs are created, the municipality receives more taxes and the city develops. The port plays a fundamental role for the economy and for people’s lives”.

The Paraná port authority was the first in Brazil to receive the delegation of powers, still in 2019, to carry out the bidding and other management acts, which were previously concentrated in the Ministry of Infrastructure.

This Thursday, the hearing will take place on PAR 09, an area of ​​24,026 square meters, west of the Port of Paranaguá, aimed at handling solid vegetable bulk. The planned investments are of R$ 492.6 million.

The event will be virtual, through the Zoom platform, starting at 2 pm. The session will be streamed, recorded and made available on the “Appa Licitacao” channel on YouTube. The public consultation for submission of contributions and suggestions is open until April 6th.

On the 30th, at 3 pm, the PAR32 area goes up for auction. With 6,651 square meters and located in the primary lane of the port, the future warehouse will be used mainly for the movement of sugar, in the form of general cargo. The expected private investment (Capex) is R$ 4.17 million, in a 10-year contract, renewable at the discretion of the granting authority.

The public session will take place on the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3), with live transmission on the website More information about the hearing and the auction on the Portos do Paraná website.

NEW AREAS – The other two areas scheduled to be auctioned later this year are PAR14 (61,450 square meters) and PAR15 (37,431 square meters), both for storage and handling of solid bulk. The first foresees an investment of almost R$ 1.2 billion and the other, R$ 656.8 million.

The studies have already been prepared and are in the process of being consulted with the competent authorities to be later sent to the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) and the opening of a public hearing and consultation. “The contractual regularization allows us to sign long-term contracts, with a horizon of investments and guaranteed returns”, explains Rossano Reolon, Leasing manager at Portos do Paraná.

FUTURE – In addition to the four processes already underway, a new area in the Port of Paranaguá was recently qualified as a national priority by the Investment Partnerships Program, the federal government’s PPI. PAR03, covering 38 thousand square meters, will be used for the movement and storage of solid mineral bulk, mainly fertilizers. The space includes the fenced yard (greenfield), located in front of the administrative headquarters of Portos do Paraná; and the 6,000 square meter Public Fertilizer Terminal (Tefer).

The preliminary survey points to the need for minimum investments of R$ 233 million, an amount that may vary according to the studies.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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