Marcon Logística Portuária

Governor signs concession of area for vehicle movement at the Port of Paranaguá

Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior signed this Tuesday (18), in Brasília (DF), alongside the Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, the concession contract for the area for the movement of vehicles in the Port of Paranaguá. Ascensus Gestão e Participações now manages the terminal for the next 25 years. Investments of R $ 22 million are foreseen, with the generation of jobs and income on the coast of Paraná. The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The area was sold for R $ 25 million, in December 2020, on the floor of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3). It was the first auction held by Paraná, the first state in the country to receive autonomy to administer the exploration contracts for areas, in August 2019.

“It is a moment of great pride for everyone in Paraná to sign this contract. The auction was a success, with goodwill above market expectations. It will allow the Port of Paranaguá to continue moving forward, expanding the export capacity ”, said Ratinho Junior. “Development of the terminal that has only been taking place thanks to the full support of the Ministry of Infrastructure”.

The governor recalled that the planning of the port complex provides for investments of more than R $ 920 million in the coming years. The main one, he quoted, is the so-called Moegão Leste. The project foresees to unify the reception of railway cargo. Instead of having to dismember the composition and unload it in ten different terminals (1 public and 9 private) as is currently done, all the material will be left at a fixed point. From there, through conveyor belts, it is sent to the respective terminal. The investment is R $ 450 million, with resources from the State Government. The forecast is that the bidding for the project will take place in the second half of this year.

Ratinho Junior also pointed out that the basic project for the remodeling of the Export Corridor (Correx) is underway, with a new integrated system. “Projects that will considerably expand the loading and unloading capacity, making the Port of Paranaguá the largest grain export corridor in the world,” he said.

STRUCTURE – The concession includes the PAR12 terminal, as the greenfield area is called (that is, clean, without any construction), it is located at the rear of the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP), in an area adjacent to the terminal leased to Volkswagen. There are 74,100 square meters of area and static capacity for 4,000 vehicles and annual storage of 120,000 vehicles.

To serve automakers installed in Paraná and also in other parts of the country, Ascensus will invest in the implantation of equipment and buildings to be used in the handling and storage of Roll-on / Roll-off cargo (passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, utilities, trucks, buses, tractors and other cargo). At the end of the 25-year contract, what was invested will remain with the Port of Paranaguá.

Roll-on / Roll-of cargoes are characterized by loading and unloading ships by their own means, without the need for equipment for loading. In this modality, the estimated demand in Paranaguá ranges from 287 thousand to 461 thousand vehicles / year between 2021 and 2045.

“The Port of Paranaguá is getting bigger and more important for Paraná and the country, equal to the power and relevance of the State, which deserves and will have great logistics and infrastructure”, said the Minister of Infrastructure.

NEW AUCTIONS – Last year, in addition to the PAR12 auction, the concession contract for the PAR01 area (located on the pier in the Port of Paranaguá) was signed with Klabin, which will invest approximately R $ 130 million in a terminal for handling cellulose, in the primary area.

Another five areas are still available for new leases in the port of Paraná. Two of them, a liquid terminal (PAR50) and a general cargo terminal (PAR32) have already had their public hearings held and should be auctioned later this year. The other three areas – PAR09, PAR14 and PAR15 – destined to the handling of export solid bulk are already under study, with the expectation of opening the consultation in the second half of this year.

With the new leases, the expectation is to exceed R $ 1.3 billion in private investments and further increase the competitiveness and the movement of the Ports of Paraná. “The Port of Paranaguá is at the forefront in the search for solutions, thanks to the exemplary work of all from the State Government,” said the director-general of the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq), Eduardo Nery.

ATTENDANCE – Secretaries Sandro Alex (Infrastructure and Logistics) and Norberto Ortigara (Agriculture and Supply) participated in the ceremony; the CEO of the public company Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia; Ferroeste’s CEO, André Gonçalves; the coordinator of the Railway Working Group of the State of Paraná, Luiz Henrique Fagundes; the special advisor to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Marcos Felix; the head of the Parliamentary Affairs Advisory, Elias Brito; the Secretary for Promotion, Planning and Partnerships of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Natália Marcassa; the Special Secretary for the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI), Martha Seillier; the Secretary of Support for Environmental Licensing and Expropriation, Rose Hofmann; and the Secretary for Transport Partnerships, Thiago Caldeira.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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