Marcon Logística Portuária

Public silos in the port of Paranaguá record record performance

The public silos at the Port of Paranaguá recorded the highest volume of shipments in the last ten years. The amount of soybeans, in grain and bran, amounted to almost 1.66 million tons in the first half of this year, an increase of 67.8%, in relation to the volume shipped by the complex in 2019 (about 988.4 thousand tons) .

For the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, the numbers reinforce the good performance of the port activity in Paraná. “There are different factors that boosted grain exports. However, it is necessary to highlight the alignment with the operators that use public terminals. It is the good management of the logistics system that ensures agility in the flow between the receipt of cargo and ship loading ”, he evaluates.

The structure is managed by the public company Portos do Paraná and is part of the Export Corridor complex at the Port of Paranaguá. According to the Director of Operations, Luiz Teixeira da Silva Júnior, the joint efforts of the public and private spheres guarantee greater operational efficiency.

“The public administration and the other interconnected private terminals have invested a lot in operational quality, reaching high levels of productivity”, says Teixeira da Silva. “The operational regulations are constantly being improved and the improvements have made the Export Corridor a safe haven for Brazilian agribusiness,” he says.

COMPLEX – The Port of Paranaguá has two public silos: one vertical, dedicated to soybeans, with a capacity to store up to 100 thousand tons; and four horizontal, with total capacity for 60 thousand tons of soybean meal.

Through these structures, companies that do not have their own terminals in Paranaguá operate. Currently, the operators of public silos are Céu Azul, Grano Logística, Gransol, Marcon, Sulmare, Tibagi and Transgolf, who work with several smaller exporters.

DIFFERENTIAL – As explained by Luis Douglas Henrique, of the Silos Division of Portos do Paraná, among the main factors that contributed to the results achieved by public silos are the increase in the volume of soy commercialization by producers and exporters and, consequently, greater use these terminals.

“In addition, the unloading capacity of public silos is also a great differential to guarantee the flow of reception and service to ships, even during this period of drought that occurred in the first months of the year”, he comments.

According to him, the discharge optimized by the Railway modal, with original adjustments, backs, windows, discharges and schedules with the railway operator, the company Rumo, is also a determining factor in the results.

“The road modal has also undergone an optimization in the unloading time with the implementation of the so-called automatic release of trucks from the sorting yard”, he comments.

COLLABORATION – While Portos do Paraná manages public facilities, supplies materials for maintenance and inspects the services provided, the Association of Operators of the Export Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá (Aocep) is responsible for carrying out the operational activities and maintenance of the asset, as outlined in a cooperation agreement.

According to Sandro Hech Barbosa, the administrative-financial manager of the Association, the operators of public silos already expected a very positive year, as has been the first half of 2020.

“We are managing to present a very positive result for the market. Today we have a structure that represents high reliability. This is being realized and customers feel safe and comfortable working with public silos ”, he says.

According to him, the results are also due to the harmony between operators and the port administration. “Operators meet daily with the operations director (Disilo), when they make a daily diagnosis and logistical schedule. This harmony, constant dialogue and good planning is what has been reflected in this performance ”, completes the representative of Aocep.

SILOG – The organization of the flow of trucks and wagons is also essential for the efficiency of the complex. For this reason, Portos do Paraná uses the Export Corridor Logistics System (Silog), which analyzes a series of variables for scheduling unloading in public silos.

“We organize the appointments received, in chronological order for the berthing of the ships, which allows us to serve the ships according to the berthing sequence, otherwise it could seriously impair the turn of the terminal”, explains Luis Douglas, from the Silos Division.

According to him, equalizing the scheduled date of berthing of the ship and the volume to be received, according to the terminal’s reception capacity and available space, is the main objective of this schedule. “It is precisely this system that allows public silos to serve all types of customers”, he concludes.

Check the table with the performance of public silos in the last 10 years:

Confira AQUI tabela com o desempenho dos silos públicos nos últimos 10 anos.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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