Marcon Logística Portuária

Ports of Paraná record the best January in history in cargo movement

With total growth of 20%, the highlights are the export of sugar and soybean cargo and the import of fertilizer

Portos do Paraná starts 2024 with another movement record. In total, 5,064,683 tons were moved in January, a volume 20% higher compared to the same period last year and a record value compared to the public company’s history during the month of January (4,207,257).

“The performance of Paraná ports is the result of a series of factors, including their strategic location, modern infrastructure and efficient management”, stated Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of Portos do Paraná.

In exports, the highlights are sugar and soybean cargo. The first reached 74,491 tons of bags in January, representing a growth of 188% compared to last year (25,824). The movement of sugar grains was also large: from 188,064 tons in 2023, Portos do Paraná recorded 425,001 tons moved this year (growth of 126%).

In relation to soybeans, from 445,251 tons in 2023, it increased to 932,247 tons handled in 2024 (growth of 109%). In terms of imports, the movement of fertilizers grew 27%, from 661,759 tons in 2023 to 842,816 tons in 2024.

According to the operations director of Portos do Paraná, Gabriel Vieira, the record is the result of accumulated demand from the previous year, which should continue throughout the semester. “Despite the large volume of rain, almost four more days compared to 2023, our productivity was very good thanks to logistical intelligence and the great accumulated demand from last year. We currently have a good revenue outlook for the first quarter, so much so that we are prepared to receive the most diverse types of cargo”, emphasized Vieira.

Currently the largest exporter from Paraná ports is China. According to data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services; revenues for the foreign market reached US$1.82 billion (R$9.01 billion) in the first month of the year, an increase of 29.2% compared to January 2023 (US$1.41 billion or R$ 6.98 billion).

Employment generation and annual record

Another recent record registered by Portos do Paraná was achieved in 2023, when the public company reached the mark of 65,393,256 tons handled. The number is the highest ever achieved in the history of the institution, founded in 1935. The previous record was 58,399,284 tons moved in 2022 (an increase of 12%).

In addition to growth in movement, last year saw growth in job creation. In 2023, 669 people underwent integration training for exclusive contracts with Portos do Paraná, representing a growth of 24.5% compared to 2022 (537).


Source: Portos do Paraná



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