Marcon Logística Portuária

At Intermodal, Portos do Paraná participates in a seminar on sustainable development

At the invitation of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the director of the Environment, João Paulo Santana, and the general secretary of Portos do Paraná, Felipe Gama, participated in the seminar “Challenges and Perspectives for Brazilian and Dutch Sustainable Port Development”.

The event took place this Wednesday (06) during the 28th edition of Intermodal South America – International Logistics, Cargo Transport and Foreign Trade Fair, at São Paulo Expo. The seminar is part of the Green Ports Partnership, to which the public company is a signatory.

The Director of Environment participated in the panel with the theme “Sustainable port development and logistics”. “It was a very positive and diverse panel, in which we are fine-tuning the discourse, the dialogue. The Netherlands is seeking to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and is at the forefront of sustainability. Being with them, discussing, talking, interacting, exchanging information and showing our reality is very important for us and for them too, due to our potential for producing clean energy”, explained Santana.

Also participating in the debate were the director of the Port of Rotterdam, René van der Plas; the superintendent of Performance, Sustainability and Innovation at ANTAQ, Cristina Castro Lucas de Souza; and the Director of Planning at INFRA S.A., Cristiano Della Giustina.

In the second stage of the event, the secretary general participated in matchmakings organized by the Dutch government, which are meetings to bring Dutch companies and institutions closer together. “Portos do Paraná was requested for two conversations: one with the Dutch Association of Suppliers in the Oil & Gas Industry (IRO) and another with the Dutch multinational Fugro. It was time to present our projects in a sustainable, green energy and port development scenario.”

Another action carried out with a focus on the Partnership for Green Ports during Intermodal was the reception of the Dutch delegation at the Portos do Paraná stand. Felipe Gama received the president of the port of Rotterdam, Boudewijn Siemons; the deputy mayor of Rotterdam, Robert Simons; the ambassador of the Netherlands, André Driessen; the Dutch consuls, port authorities and private companies.

“This is the first time that we have welcomed the Dutch delegation to Intermodal with a focus on the development of sustainable projects and, above all, green energy and green hydrogen. Our main objective is to develop partnerships and projects in this area, bringing the expertise that Dutch ports and the Netherlands already have on the subject to Brazil”, pointed out Gama.

INTERMODAL – In 2024, Intermodal South America brings together more than 500 exhibiting brands, from 15 countries, from the logistics, intralogistics, technology, cargo transport and foreign trade sectors in Latin America, covering all modes of transport. Intermodal is recognized nationally and internationally for presenting solutions for the entire logistics chain, from end to end. The expectation is to receive more than 43 thousand professionals at the event, which continues until March 7th.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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