Marcon Logística Portuária

Port of Paranaguá receives almost 2,500 grain and bran trucks in 24 hours

The Public Sorting Yard at the Port of Paranaguá received a record number of trucks in 24 hours. From 7:00 am on Tuesday (04) to 7:00 am on Wednesday (05), 2,456 vehicles accessed the place where they remain to await the unloading of solid bulk exports. Despite the heavy flow, this reception took place in an orderly manner and without any queues.

More than half, 57.6%, of the 2,456 trucks that entered the sorting yard in those 24 hours were loaded with soy. A total of 1,414 vehicles unloaded grain at the Port of Paranaguá terminals during the period. Loaded with corn, 548 trucks were received, and another 494 vehicles with soy bran.

“This is the largest number of trucks ever received at the sorting yard in a single day”, says the director-president of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia. In addition to quantity, according to him, the length of stay at the site also stands out.

“The performance of the terminals in the reception and unloading of these trucks is also very good. In this month of July, the average time truck drivers spend in the yard is six hours and forty-three minutes”, adds Garcia.

FLOW – The sorting yard has static capacity to receive about a thousand trucks. On site, all grain and bran that arrives for unloading at the port of Paranaguá export terminals is classified and has the quality attested by the company contracted by the Association of Terminals of the East Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá (Atexp).

According to the director of operations at Portos do Paraná, Gabriel Vieira, the logistics for receiving cargo, upon arrival in the city, is thought of in terms of organization and control.

“We don’t have queues. We operate with scheduling windows for trucks, controlling the flow of vehicles through daily quotas at terminals, within a management system called Carga On Line”, he says.

Still according to Vieira, Portos do Paraná is permanently attentive to the performance of each terminal. This control is carried out by a “meter”, which evaluates the unloading performance of each terminal and, based on this, controls the registration of trucks for each unloading location. “We control the number of vehicles on the access road to the terminals. The algorithms developed by the Carga On Line system analyze and control this flow of trucks from origin to unloading”, says the director.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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