Marcon Logística Portuária

Conab estimates record harvest of 317.6 million tons in 2023

The National Supply Company (Conab) informed, this Thursday (13), in Brasília, that the forecast for the 2022/23 Brazilian grain harvest will be the largest ever produced in the country: 317.6 million tons.

The volume represents growth of 16.5% or 44.9 million tons above the 2021/22 harvest. The data are from the 10th Grain Harvest Survey 2022/2023.

The performance is due, mainly, to the second crop corn crops and the growth in the wheat sown area, and represents a result 0.6% higher than that disclosed in last June. Conab also said that the favorable result was possible due to good weather conditions.

“It is with great joy to be able to pass on to our country the very expressive and positive numbers of the 2022/20223 crop forecast. The forecast that we are releasing now not only consolidates such positive numbers for a record harvest that our country will have, but is also predicting yet another increase”, said the president of Conab, Edegar Pretto.

“Brazilian agriculture has been demonstrating its strength and potential to reach increasingly higher numbers, with constant investments that allow for increases in productivity”, he added.


According to a bulletin released by the company, at the end of June, first-crop crops – with the exception of corn – had their harvest completed. The second harvest is already in the initial harvest process, with the grain filling and maturation stages.

The third harvest, together with the winter crops, are in the final planting phase for the beginning of the harvest. The final volume of the harvest will depend on the climatic behavior.

For corn, the forecast is that the harvest will reach 127.8 million tons, including the three harvests. The increase is 12.9% or 14.6 million tons above that cultivated in 2021/22.

The survey also shows that soybeans – the main product cultivated in the country – should reach a record production, estimated at 154.6 million tons, which represents expansion of 23.1% or 29 million tons above the one that occurred in the past cycle.

“Other crops – cotton, beans and sorghum – followed the upward movement and showed percentage increases in production. Rice and some winter crops – oats, rye and wheat – point to a reduction in the volume produced compared to the previous harvest”, informed Conab.


The survey also points to an estimated planted area of 78.2 million hectares, which represents an expansion of 4.9% with an additional 3.7 million hectares added to the sown in 2021/22. The biggest increments are observed in soybeans, with 2.6 million hectares (6.2%), in corn, with 576 thousand hectares (2.7%), and in wheat, with 343.4 thousand hectares (11.1 %).

The estimate is that the increase in Brazilian production should increase the volume of corn exports in 2023 due to greater international demand. The projection is that 48 million tons of cereal will leave the country. For the internal stock there is also a forecast of increase of 27.6% at the end of this crop year, reaching 10.3 million tons.

With regard to soy, the bulletin points out that exports are still estimated at 95.64 million tons, a percentage increase of 21.5% compared to the previous harvest.

“In this survey, Conab adjusted the numbers of oilseed crushing, from 52.29 million tons to 52.82 million tons, due to the increase in biodiesel production. Thus, final stocks previously estimated at 7.51 million tons, increased to 7.43 million tons”, concluded the company.


Source: Agência Brasil



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