Marcon Logística Portuária

Export Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá registers a 6% increase in July

The 11 terminals operating in the East Export Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá (Corex) registered a 6% higher movement in July this year, compared to the same period in 2020. This year, on the 31st of the month, 1,929,157 tons of solid bulk exports were shipped by the complex, compared to 1,819,851 tonnes in the previous year.

The volume of exported soybeans was what pulled the high. In July, this year, 1,618,249 tons of the product were exported by the complex – 22.34% more than the 1,322,721 tons shipped in the same month in 2020.

“This year, soy exports are different from what we projected at the beginning of the year. It is more distributed over time, which indicates that the exporter is always waiting for the best business opportunity”, comments the Director of Operations at Portos do Paraná, Luiz Teixeira da Silva Júnior.

Despite the greater volume of soy shipped last July, shipments are more agile. As stated by Teixeira, ships have arrived and docked to load without queues, as happened in previous years.

“The Export Corridor operates efficiently due to a set of actions and investments that range from the public to the private”, says the director.

In addition to soy in grain, the three cradles that make up the Corex also export soy bran, corn and, in a smaller volume and less frequently, wheat.

This year, on the 31st of July, 310,907 tons of soy meal were shipped through the East Corridor terminals. In the month, there was no shipment of corn or wheat.

TERMINALS – In addition to the two public silos (horizontal and vertical), the AGTL, Cargill, Cimbessul, Centro Sul, Coamo, Cotriguaçu, Interalli, Louis Dreyfus and Rocha terminals are part of Corex.

In July 2021, those that shipped in greater volume were Cotriguaçu (343,327 tons, 14.4% more than that registered in the month, in 2020), Dreyfus (253,810 tons) and Rocha (249,641 tons, 63.42% a more than in July 2020).

SHIPS – With more ships loaded by the complex in the last month of July, the terminals and operators of the East Export Corridor registered shorter operating times and better productivity, compared to July 2020.

In 2021, in the month, 33 ships were loaded, five more than in July last year. The average number of days a ship spent moored in one of the berths in the corridor was 2.25 days. Waiting time for berthing, 8.38 days. The vessel’s stay at the port (from arrival to departure, counting the operating time) was 10.63 days. On average, per hour, the shipment totaled 1,082.41 tons.

In July 2020 28 ships were loaded. The average berthing time amounted to 3.21 days. The waiting period for berthing, 28.67 days; of stay, 31.88 days. On average, per hour, 843.35 tons were shipped.

For the Operations manager, Gilmar Francener, Corex’s productivity gain in July this year is the result of operational management, achieved by optimizing time. “This result confirms that the actions taken to increase productivity and reduce time are efficient and will produce continuous gains for the port”, he says.

Also according to the manager, two other factors also contributed to this performance. “In July we only had two days of rain. In 2020, in the same month, there were six”, he says. The type of product, according to him, also collaborated. “The soy, due to the characteristic of the product, flows better in the shipment, which results in shorter times”, completes Francener.

ACCUMULATED – Through the Eastern Corridor, from January to July this year, 10,933,710 tons of solid bulk were shipped for export. Of soy, 7,679,977 tons exported; of bran, 2,648,195 tons. In the period, 14 thousand tons of wheat were exported by the complex. From corn, 591,538 tons.

In 2020, in the same period, exports totaled 12,924,748 tons of grain and bran. Soybean 9,772,707 tons; of bran 2,792,813 tons; of corn 359,228 tons. There was no shipment of wheat in the period.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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