Marcon Logística Portuária

Five trends for the customs clearance sector in 2019

For the foreign trade sector to function perfectly and imports and exports occur within the timeframes that meet the needs of companies, one activity is essential: customs clearance. It is responsible for all the follow-up of the fiscal, tax and logistics stages, providing the necessary documentation to the Federal Revenue and other regulatory agencies of the sector for the release of products arriving or leaving the country.

And by 2019, in order to reduce bureaucracy and modernize this service, some initiatives must “get out of the way.” Check out five of them, which were highlighted by the director of customs clearance of the logistics operator Panalpina Brazil, Elaine Inácio:

Computerization of the National Customs System – In order to make it more agile, efficient and, above all, more robust to the anti-corruption rules – considering the requirements and releases that are made exclusively in electronic form -, the Internal Revenue Service works to , even this year, completely eliminate the use of physical documents in the processes of imports and exports, making them fully digital, accessible at any time and place;

Single Window – Consequently, the idea is to integrate all the public agencies and regulators of the segment into the same online platform, the Single Foreign Trade Portal (Siscomex), so that the information, already digitized, is concentrated in an exclusive system, avoiding duplication or mistakes in the way. Another aim of the tool is to make the details of the processes more friendly, since in the future import and export identification numbers will be granted even before the actual registrations, considerably increasing the effectiveness of their tracking;

Higher Productivity / Lower Time – In this way, national imports and exports gain more productivity and speed. Currently, merchandise arriving in Brazil via maritime modal, for example, takes about fifteen days to have its release completed and then its transportation to its authorized destination. With these changes, this deadline should decrease significantly, to approximately five days;

New Technologies – In parallel, another trend should be the increase of investments in new technologies, composed, for example, of automation systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, among others;

Public / Private Partnerships – Closer proximity between public and private initiatives should also guide the success of this upgrade, through the ProComex Alliance for Modernization of Foreign Trade, a group of discussions to evaluate alternatives that provide more efficiency to the flow of the sector.

Panalpina Brasil is the only logistics company invited by the Internal Revenue Service to map the logistics bottlenecks of commercial operations, in order to contribute to improvements and modifications that the regulator and other consenting entities intend to implement in this sector. market in 2019.

Source: Jornal Dia a Dia



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