Marcon Logística Portuária

Expansion of the pier increases the capacity of the Port of Paranaguá

Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior inaugurated on Tuesday (22) the work to expand the pier at the Port of Paranaguá, on the State Coast. Berth 201 has been modernized and the berth has been extended by 100 meters. The investments of the public company Portos do Paraná add up to R $ 201.7 million and will increase the current cargo handling capacity in that berth by 140%.

At the solemnity, the governor also signed the contract for the demolition works, to increase the depth of the draft, and authorized private investments of R $ 117.7 million, to expand sugar exports from Paraná. He also authorized the start of loading grain into a Liberian ship with the two new shiploaders installed in berth 201.

Ratinho Junior pointed out that the work guarantees more efficiency to the Port of Paranaguá, which even during the pandemic broke monthly movement records. “The increase in capacity is a gain for the port, which is consolidated as one of the most efficient in Brazil and serves the strong production of agribusiness in Paraná, which has grown a lot,” he said.

“The idea is to make the Port of Paranaguá, which is already one of the largest bulk terminals in South America, have more agility and efficiency for the export of Paraná production”, said the governor. “In addition, the demolition allows ships that arrive at the port to leave more loaded. Along with other modernization projects, such as the expansion of the grain export corridor, we are going to expand the capacity of the next 30 years, to meet the growth demand of Brazilian agribusiness ”, he said.

In eight months, between January and August of this year, 11.15 million tons of soybeans were shipped through the Export Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá, a volume 5.1% higher than the soy disposed of throughout 2019. Until the month of In July, 21.8 million tons of products were exported through the terminal, an increase of 14% over the same period last year.

WORK – The expansion of the mooring pier allows the Port of Paranaguá to receive larger ships, which hold up to 80 thousand tons of gross cargo, in the Post Panamax category, of large size. In addition to Paraná, the project benefits agricultural exports from the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Santa Catarina and also from Paraguay.

Berth 201 also received a new electromechanical structure, including two new ship loaders of 2,000 tons / hour. As a result, the annual handling capacity will rise from the current 2 million tons of grain to 6 million tons of grain per year.

The increase in capacity of the system means more competitiveness vis-à-vis other ports, explained the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia. “Investments such as the extension of the cradle, which expands the load capacity, ensure that the companies that operate here gain in quality and competitive price,” he said.

“Competition between ports is very strong. We are 200 kilometers from the ports of Santa Catarina and 400 kilometers from Santos. If it is no longer competitive to operate through Paranaguá, companies will migrate to other ports, so constant investment is necessary, ”said Garcia.

DERROCAGE – The governor signed the contract and the Service Order for the submarine demolition works of the rock mass known as Pedra da Palangana. The removal of the material will allow the deepening of the access channel to up to 14.60 meters. With this, the port of Paraná guarantees greater safety in navigation, which avoids accidents and increases competitiveness.

The work, which should start in four months, will be fully funded by Portos do Paraná, which invests R $ 23.2 million in services. The estimated gain is 1 meter deep, the equivalent of over 7 thousand tons of bulk or 120 extra containers per ship.

For the state secretary of Infrastructure and Logistics, Sandro Alex, the investments in the port are part of a package that serves the different logistic extensions of the State. “Our commitment to maintaining the competitiveness of Paraná’s production is to ensure that cargoes arrive at the port at reduced costs, as a result of efficient logistics at all levels, including road and rail branches”, explained the secretary, highlighting the expansion of the Ferroeste Integration Ring and layout, which will be made in the coming years.

PRIVATE INVESTMENTS – Ratinho Junior also signed the authorization for the company PASA – Paraná Operations Port to make investments of R $ 117.7 million in its complex in the port. The Service Order is based on the renewal of the lease that was added at the end of August.

The contract is valid until 2049 and foresees an increase in the capacity of the terminal, which will increase from 3.6 million tons / year to 6.7 million tons / year. For this, new equipment will be installed and a new warehouse will be built.

In the first phase, which should be completed by February 2022, PASA will build a new shipping line and install a new shiploader, to handle up to 2,500 tons / hour. The second phase, until February 2023, foresees the construction of a new warehouse to store 60 thousand tons of sugar or 45 thousand tons of other solid bulk.

“This will expand our sugar export capacity to 7 million tons per year, making the Port of Paranaguá a major exporter of sugar and other products,” said Miguel Rubens Tranin, president of the Bioenergy Producers Association of the Paraná (Alcopar), whose member companies use the terminal.

According to him, there was an increase of 20% in sugar production in this harvest compared to the previous one, with about 2 million tons of sugar, 80% of which was exported through the Port of Paranaguá. “Brazil is the world’s largest sugar producer and accounts for 50% of what is sold worldwide, supplying markets such as the Middle East, Russia and China,” he said.

ATTENDANCE – The Secretary of State for Agriculture and Supply, Norberto Ortigara, participated in the ceremony; and Sustainable Development and Tourism, Márcio Nunes; and the captain of Mar e Guerra Rogério Antunes; and the directors of Portos do Paraná: André Pioli (Empresarial); Daniel Romanowski (Administrative and Financial); Marcus Freitas (Legal); João Paulo Santana (Environment) and Luiz Teixeira (Port Operations).


Source: Portos do Paraná



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