Marcon Logística Portuária

Brazil and Mexico sign Memorandum of Understanding focusing on micro and small enterprises

José Miguel da Veiga, Special Secretary of the Micro and Small Enterprise (Sempe) of the Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC), and the president of the National Institute of Entrepreneurs of Mexico – Inadem, Alejandro Delgado Ayala, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen cooperation between Brazil and Mexico on issues related to entrepreneurship and the development of micro and small enterprises. The initiative, unprecedented in relations between the two countries, provides for the exchange of good practices in public policies and joint support projects, especially in innovation and competitiveness. The partnership provides for the exchange of experiences and the carrying out of studies in conjunction with the objective of bringing together Brazilian and Mexican micro-enterprises.

During the signing ceremony of the memorandum, which took place last September 10 in Mexico City, the MDIC secretary pointed out that in both Brazil and Mexico, micro and small businesses are the basis of the economy. He also said that there are similarities in many of the challenges the two countries must face in order to improve the conditions for the development of these businesses.

According to José Ricardo, the importance of small businesses and actions to support MPE is something that unites Brazil and Mexico, as well as the belief that the improvement of the environment for entrepreneurs reverts to wealth generation and promotion of social equality .

The president of Inadem stated that collaboration with MDIC could add value to the institute, allowing for coordinating actions for the development of joint programs, both bilaterally and at regional and multilateral levels.

After the document was signed, a bilateral meeting was held to exchange information on the experiences of each country. Inadem underscored Mexico’s policy for innovation and high-impact business. The MDIC’s Special Secretariat for Micro and Small Enterprises highlighted the Brazilian policies dedicated to public procurement by micro and small enterprises.

The next stage of cooperation is the construction of the work plan, to be signed by the two countries on October 17 of this year, during a meeting of the Brazil-Mexico Binational Commission, which will take place in Brazil.

National Entrepreneur Week

The Sempe / MDIC delegation participated in the National Entrepreneur’s Week, hosted by Inadem, in Mexico City. The largest Latin American entrepreneurship event, the Week offered more than 500 free conferences, lectures and workshops for participants, an exhibition with more than 35 thousand square meters of area dedicated to the Mexican entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as sales space for micro-enterprises with more than 250 exhibitors.


Source: MDIC



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