Marcon Logística Portuária

Above-average rains impact agricultural production in Paraná

The above-average rainfall recorded in October in Paraná caused losses in the quality of agricultural production in Paraná, which are still being accounted for in the field. Wheat crops awaiting harvest experienced worsening conditions. Currently 42% of the remaining areas are classified as good, compared to 65% the previous week.

The data is contained in the Agricultural Situation Bulletin for the week from October 27th to November 1st. The document is prepared by the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), of the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Supply (Seab).

According to the bulletin, most of the areas that were good were reclassified to average conditions and increased to 44%. The previous week it was at 30%. The 5% area that was considered bad has now risen to 14%. Given this, it is possible that the last forecast, of 3.86 million tons, will be downgraded.

The wheat harvest advanced from 84% of the 1.4 million hectare area to 89% this week. However, also due to heavy and intermittent rains, the quality was generally considered poor, a situation that could continue in future harvests.

CORN AND SOYBEANS – The first soybean and corn crops, which are being planted, also suffered from the weather conditions, although the impacts are occasional. Soybeans still have 92% of crops in good condition, 7% in average conditions and 1% in poor conditions.

Corn suffered more from the October rains, first because it was planted before soybeans and, secondly, because it was concentrated further south in the state, where rainfall was more abundant. Of what is in the field, 83% have good conditions, 15% average, and 2% poor.

BEANS – Excess moisture caused the beans that were already sown to lose quality. In relation to the previous week, the areas in bad conditions rose from 1% to 3%, the averages went from 17% to 24%, while those in good conditions dropped from 82% to 73%.

Planting has already reached 83% of the estimated area of 111.4 thousand hectares, less than desirable. The high soil humidity makes it difficult for machines to enter and, where work is possible, priority is given to soybeans. The Regional Center of União da Vitória, in the South, was unable to progress in sowing and half of the planted areas were classified as poor.

JABUTICABA – The Deral bulletin also reports information about jabuticaba. The numbers collected by the department indicate that in 2022 the fruit occupied 104 hectares, with a production of 1,300 tons and a Gross Production Value of R$4.4 million. Out of 36 fruits researched, it came in 26th place.

The largest productions are in the regions of Cascavel, Curitiba and Francisco Beltrão. The municipality of Adrianópolis, in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, leads, ahead of 87 other municipalities that also grow jabuticaba. In 2022, Ceasas/PR sold 70.8 thousand tons of fruit, worth R$386.3 thousand.

MILK AND HONEY – The document records that for the fifth consecutive month the producer from Paraná received less per liter of milk put into the industry. In October, the average was R$2.21 per liter, 6.4% less than the R$2.36 in September and 27.5% lower than the R$2.82 in October 2022.

In relation to honey, the record is that in the three quarters of 2023, 21 thousand tons were exported in natura, totaling revenue of US$ 66.1 million. This represents a 30% drop compared to the 30.2 thousand tons exported in the same period last year. In the ranking, Paraná came in fourth place, with revenue of US$4.5 million and volume of 1,595 tons.


Source: Agência de Notícias do Paraná



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