Marcon Logística Portuária

Portos do Paraná becomes Platinum Partner of international organization

Portos do Paraná is now a Platinum Partner in the World Association of Waterway Transport Infrastructure (PIANC), a global organization with members in 66 countries and which carries out research on topics relevant to the sector. The entity has no political or profit purposes. In the organization, the port structure of Paraná will increase its internationalization alongside the port authorities of Amsterdam and Antwerp/Bruges, as well as large companies operating throughout the world.

“Port activity is very dynamic. The increase in demand and the growth of the logistics movement chain requires the continuous development of Portos do Paraná in response to issues that permeate the entire global maritime infrastructure scenario”, explains Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of the public company.

According to him, becoming a Platinum Partner places Portos do Paraná at the center of discussions with a direct impact on topics that can be applied to the port structure of Paraná. “It is important to have this reference from the main ports in the world and a reference company in the sector, including the perceptions and characteristic scenarios of the Paranaguá and Antonina Bays, in order to actively contribute to the publication of high-level technical reports that frame the reality of Ports of Paraná”, highlights the director.

Furthermore, the public company gains visibility for its brand in expanding and strengthening international business. “Raising the technical level of our processes and the presence of Portos do Paraná in events and commissions that involve actors from the international scene also brings greater visibility to the ports of Paraná, with consequent attraction of new investments for the terminals installed here”, concludes Garcia .

The CEO of Portos do Paraná assumed command of the National Section (SN) of PIANC Brasil, which functions as a link between the Association’s members in a given country and the organization’s headquarters in Brussels. It is the responsibility of a National Section to act as an intermediary between PIANC management and technical bodies and corporate and individual members in their countries. The SNs are also responsible for organizing PIANC national events, promoting the work published by the organization and encouraging the proposal of topics to be discussed by experts from all continents.

In addition to Garcia, the public company also has Engineering manager Bruna Calloni as a representative of the South Region in the PIANC Brasil Young Professionals Group. More information about the association can be found at


Source: Portos do Paraná



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