Marcon Logística Portuária

Inova Portos: Paranaguá will host the biggest event on port technology in Brazil

Portos do Paraná will promote the 5th of Inova Portos, in 2024, an event that will be hosted for the first time in Paranaguá. The announcement was made this Wednesday (25) by the public company’s Leasing manager, Rossano Reolon, during the 4th edition of Inova Portos, held in Santos. The event is recognized as the largest port technology event in Brazil and aims to foster a culture of innovation, with its target audience being employees of public ports, actors in the innovation scene, representatives of startups focused on port solutions.

“Bringing the concept of innovation to the port reality means seeking new technologies that will add value to the business. In addition to meeting a real need, in the case of ports this should translate into greater efficiency”, stated Rossano.

For the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, Paranaguá hosting the 5th edition of Inova Portos shows the importance of innovation and investment in technology carried out by the public company in Paraná, which also contributes to the improvement of Brazilian ports. “The search for innovative solutions is essential to serve customers with quality and for Paraná’s ports to continue generating positive results, integrated with the State’s port community”, says Garcia.

“Internally, in Brazil, terminals in Paraná already stand out as vanguard ports when it comes to innovation. Currently, also outside Brazil, Portos do Paraná has been recognized as a port management that seeks technological development,” he stated.

Portos do Paraná has been working on innovative and technological solutions such as the Port Community System (PCS) and Port Collaborative Decision Making (PortCDM), which are currently being implemented. In the testing phase, PortCDM is a proposal for managing maritime operations in real time, with the aim of optimizing the flow of operations and the exchange of information between those involved in the process of entry and exit of ships in the ports of Paraná – pilotage , tugboats, mooring vessels, Anvisa and Federal Revenue.

The Portos do Paraná PCS is an electronic platform for exchanging data between the port community. It seeks to connect multiple systems used by different organizations involved in the activity, which integrates information from the entire logistics chain and promotes efficiency by reducing time and costs.

ABOUT INOVA PORTOS – Inova Portos is an annual event held in Brazil, which brings together experts, businesspeople, academics and authorities from the port sector to discuss the latest trends and innovations in the maritime and port transport sector.

Since 2022 there have been four editions of the event. The culture of innovation in the Brazilian port sector was the theme of the first, at the Port of Itaqui (Maranhão), with the second edition in the same year, at the Port of Santos (SP). In 2023, two editions were held, in the Port of Itajaí (SC), in April, and this week in Santos, again.


Source: Agência de Notícias do Paraná



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