Marcon Logística Portuária

Work will triple export capacity of Port of Paranaguá

In just three months of execution, the work that will triple the grain handling capacity of the port of Paranaguá, going from the current 2 million tons of grains to 6.5 million tons – is progressing and without delays.

The Port Administration of Paranaguá and Antonina (Appa) allocated its own resources totaling R $ 177.5 million for the expansion and modernization of cots 201 and 202.

The soil survey and verification steps have already been completed and the execution of the expansion and reinforcement stakes of the quay and the portico stakes is underway.

The contract also provides for the installation of two shiploaders of 2,000 tons / hour – currently operating at 1000 tons / hour and 1,500 tons / hour -, pedestrian walkway installation, exchange of fenders, metal spacers, installation of new dolfim (column) for mooring ships and the grain and sugar conveyor belts being manufactured.

The extension at 100 meters from Cradle 201, at the western end of Oporto, will allow large vessels to moor at the site. The deadline for delivery of the work is March 13, 2020.

AUDITING – According to the president of Appa, Lourenço Fregonese, the contract is currently on time and without delays. “We have a permanent inspection team accompanying the work, to guarantee the fulfillment of the deadlines and the quality of the contracted services. In addition, the Appa engineers check in the factory the equipment that will be installed in this port of Paranaguá project, “he said.

Parallel to the engineering sector, the staff of the Board of Directors and the Environment supervises compliance with the constraints required by the environmental agency in the licensing of the work.

The director of Operation of the Port of Paranaguá, Luiz Teixeira da Silva Junior, who has been working at Appa for 42 years, says that the expansion works and improvements to the western pier respond to an old desire of the port community. “It’s a great achievement for Porto. There are 28 years of waiting for this work that, since 1990, has already had three versions of the project elaborated, “says Teixeira.

BENEFITS – The changes will bring more agility in Oporto operations and the possibility of berthing bigger and heavier vessels, up to 80,000 tons deadweight (TPB). The work will also give an extra boost to the eastern sector of the Port of Paranaguá, which is overloaded and can no longer be expanded.

According to a project presented by Appa, the eastern sector has already been working with repressed demand, mainly in relation to solid plant material, and is close to its logistical and operational limit.

With the expansion of the western dock, cargo handling will be tripled, decongesting the eastern sector, and opening new alternatives for the Paraná agribusiness.


Source: APPA – Administração dos Portos de Paranaguá e Antonina



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