Marcon Logística Portuária

With the best management in Brazil, Portos do Paraná receives honor from the Assembly
Portos do Paraná received a tribute from the Legislative Assembly this Tuesday (03) for having the best port management in Brazil. The ports of Paranaguá and Antonina achieved the highest score in the Port Authorities Management Index (IGAP) in the main category among Brazilian public ports in the Portos + Brasil Award from the federal government. This is the fourth time the public company has received the award, given in August in Brasília.
According to the company’s CEO, Luiz Fernando Garcia, in the last five and a half years, Portos has demonstrated progress in infrastructure, best practices, in the execution of large and important works, and also in the company’s governance.
“This honor highlights how Portos do Paraná has become a leader in port management in the country. These are four years of consecutive recognition showing that, on a national level, we are the best company in the sector and the best professional management. Paraná manages to demonstrate the evolution and the possibility of having very efficient management with strong political leadership in our State”, he said.
The Secretary of Infrastructure and Logistics of Paraná, Sandro Alex, thanked the Legislative Assembly for the tribute. “It is a tribute to all the men and women who represent the strength of Portos do Paraná. National recognition came throughout all these years of Governor Ratinho Júnior’s administration, and nothing better than the House of Laws of our State carrying out this tribute that belongs to all Paraná residents, as our port is the most efficient in Brazil”, he stated.
The ceremony was proposed by the government leader in the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Hussein Bakri. “The numbers speak for themselves. Portos do Paraná receives the title of best port in Brazil for the fourth consecutive time. The people of Paraná need to be proud of the achievements of the companies that represent our State, and this is our objective today”, he stated.
Paraná was also highlighted in two more categories among public ports in the awards promoted by the Ministry of Ports and Airports. It won first place in the Variation in Operating Profit (EBITDA) category. The financial market uses the indicator to analyze accounting practices and evaluate a company’s financial, economic, and marketing situation.
Another recognition was in the Growth of the General Cargo Handling category: the company won second place. The metric measures the amount of general cargo moved, such as cargo in containers and vehicles and products in bags, bales, or units, loaded directly into the ships’ holds.
At the end of the solemn session, Portos do Paraná received an Honorable Mention diploma.
EVOLUTION – The national recognition of the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina occurs amid the surpassing of new historical marks. From January 2019 to June 2023, 257.2 million tons of cargo were handled, in addition to a record for the best semester in 50 years in 2023, the largest shipment in 24 hours, and the largest number of trucks served at the Sorting Yard. The public company invested R$543.8 million in Paraná’s ports in the last four years. This year, the works in progress already total R$91.5 million.
Garcia also highlighted the attraction of new private investments with auctions held by the port authority on B3 in the order of R$3.3 billion. Since 2019, four new terminals have been tendered, aimed at handling cellulose, vehicles, general cargo, and liquid bulk, and lease contracts that have been renewed. Two areas had public consultations and hearings held, and one had a public session scheduled.
With an eye on the future, the ports of Paraná are projecting investments of R$2.3 billion, public and private. The works involve the Eastern Export Corridor in Paranaguá, and the construction of Moegão for railway unloading, dredging, new silos, warehouses, and conveyor belts, among others.

ATTENDANCE – The table of honor was made up of deputies Hussein Bakri, Artagão Júnior, Pedro Paulo Bazana, Cloara Pinheiro, Cobra Repórter, Fabio Oliveira, Márcia Huçulak, Soldado Adriano José, Flávia Francischini and Luiz Fernando Guerra. Also participating in the ceremony were the state secretaries of Infrastructure and Logistics, Sandro Alex; of Agriculture and Supply, Norberto Ortigara; of Planning, Guto Silva; of Culture, Luciana Casagrande Pereira; of Women, Racial Equality and the Elderly, Leandre Dal Ponte; of Administration and Pensions, Elisandro Frigo; the general superintendent of Support for Municipalities in the State, Júnior Weiler; the mayor of Antonina, José Paulo Vieira Azim; the municipal secretary of Labor, Employment and Union Affairs of Paranaguá, João Antônio Lozano Baptista; the CEO of Ferroeste, André Luis Gonçalves; the general director of the Department of Highways (DER/PR), Fernando Furiatti; and directors of Portos do Paraná.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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