Marcon Logística Portuária

Secretariat of Ports advances possibility of greater autonomy in the Port of Paranaguá

Secretariat of Ports advances possibility of greater autonomy in the Port of Paranaguá

The port of Paranaguá was the first in the country to be visited by the new team of the National Secretariat of Ports (SNP), an agency linked to the Ministry of Infrastructure, responsible for the management of the country’s maritime complexes.

The Secretary Mr. Diogo Piloni was in Paraná on Thursday (7) in order to find out the actual physical structure and planning of works and actions for the coming years.

In response to a request filed with the Ministry last month by the State Government, claiming greater autonomy for local management and decentralization of some of the port’s functions, the State Secretary for Infrastructure and Logistics, Mr. Sandro Alex, declares that the visit is important for the delegation process.  Further, he said that the intention is to receive the announcement of delegation to Paranaguá in the first half of this year, proving the high technical level of the administration of Paraná.

The National Secretary explained that the request is being evaluated. He said also that the request is in line with the idea of ​​decentralization of power and autonomy in management, as defended by the National Government.

He understands that port administrations are closer to the problems and the specific needs of each location. In addition to having close contact with potential investors. He adds that the Paraná port is a national highlight and recognized as an example of good management.  

He said that is convinced that the new administration will contribute a lot to keep the Ports of Paraná at the forefront.

GREATER AUTONOMY TO THE PORTS – The possibility of decentralization of powers considers the 574, published on December 26, 2018, by the former Ministry of Transport. The Port Authority Management Index (IGAP) measures 15 different indicators of performance, which can be used to attest to the management capacity of the ports.

For the government financial, accounting, administrative transparency, tax and labor regularity criteria are taken into account, as well as maintenance of waterway accesses.

LEASING OF AREAS – The group also discussed the lease program for two areas in Porto de Paranaguá, one for general cargo handling, mainly for paper and cellulose, and another for ro-ro cargo (vehicles). The announcement is due in March. “These areas were offered last year and now some terms have been revised by the Ministry of Infrastructure. In Paranagua there are some 20 contracts to be revised, however as said above the priority at the moment is the bid for Veihicle and general cargo (paper and cellulose) leasing areas.



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