Marcon Logística Portuária

Ports of Paraná exceed 65 million tons handled in 2023

Portos do Paraná broke a new handling record in 2023, surpassing the 65 million ton mark. The CEO of Portos made the announcement of the historical record this Thursday (08) do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, and the Secretary of State for Infrastructure and Logistics, Sandro Alex.

In 2023, the public company that manages the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina, registered 65,393,256 million tons handled. The number is the highest ever achieved in the institution’s history, founded in 1935. The previous record was 58,399,284 million tons moved in 2022.

“This 12% increase in movement in 2023 compared to 2022 represents the commitment of the Government of the State of Paraná to the productive sector”, stated Sandro Alex.

According to the CEO of Portos do Paraná, logistical intelligence and operational adjustments, in addition to adjustments in truck and train maneuvering times, enabled the public company to achieve such high records.

“Once again, Portos do Paraná is at the forefront. Market studies indicated this volume of 65 million for 2040, so we exceeded this estimate by 17 years. All this without major changes to our infrastructure, which will begin in 2024. This record is due to logistical intelligence and operational adjustments. No wonder we are the only port in the country recognized for four consecutive years with the best management”, celebrated Garcia.

Main movements of 2023

Exports last year were 42,718,813 million tons, an increase of 18% compared to the previous year (36,058,499). The highlights, in comparison with 2022, were soybean exports, with 14,662,586 million tons (47%), and sugar, with 5,459,221 million tons (27%). In imports, growth was 1% (from 22,340,785 to 22,674,442), and the highlight was fertilizers, with 9,968,585 million tons moved, a number similar to that of 2022 (9,990,983).

“Despite an extremely challenging year, with an excessive amount of rain, we managed to surpass a goal set since the beginning of the year. The 65 million are the result of great joint work involving all employees, terminals, operators, and the port community”, explained operations director Gabriel Vieira.

The expectation for the year 2024 is even greater growth. To meet this demand, Moegão will be built, a project costing R$ 592 million, which consists of the implementation of an exclusive system for unloading grains and bran by rail. The work order for the start of the work has already been signed, and upon completion, the gain will be 63% in cargo unloading capacity.

Other investments planned by Portos do Paraná are through leases, which are conducted directly by the public company. The most recent auction, held in November 2023, was for PAR09. Bought by the Q-PAR09 Investment Fund, the company is expected to invest R$910 million in infrastructure improvements.

“The expansion of infrastructure for port access is essential for us to achieve the new objective. Moegão and the area leases will make it possible to meet this market demand”, highlighted the CEO.

Job generation

In addition to growth in movement, last year saw growth in job creation. In 2023, 669 people underwent integration training for exclusive contracts with Portos do Paraná, representing a growth of 24.5% compared to 2022 (537).

There was also an increase in income for TPAs (Incidental Port Workers), who receive payments according to demand. According to the Labor Management Body (OGMO), in 2023, the professional in the block category showed the greatest variation, with gains up to 213% greater than in 2022.

Other records at Portos do Paraná

In December, Portos do Paraná recorded the largest monthly movement in history, with 6,376,229 million tons handled, 45% more than in 2022 (which recorded 4,384,513 million tons).

Currently, Portos do Paraná is the largest fertilizer import channel in Brazil and, in 2023, will represent 25% of national movement.

Another impressive number is the number of vehicles in the marshaling yard. In 2023, there were 490 thousand trucks in circulation, an increase of 25% compared to 2022 (391,017 trucks).


Source: Portos do Paraná



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