Marcon Logística Portuária

Ports of Paraná and Santos sign letter of intent

The two largest ports in Brazil signed, this Thursday (11), a letter of intent to develop mutual technical cooperation agreements. The director-president of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, the president of the Port Authority of Santos, Anderson Pomini, and the National Secretary of Ports and Waterway Transport, Alex Sandro de Ávila signed the document during a technical visit to the marshaling yard of the Port of Paranaguá.

“It is a letter of intent between the two ports so that we can work to improve our classification, giving the exporter the guarantee that this is a safe port. An example is the classification practices of the sorting yard, which will be worked on together to find the best solutions,” said Garcia.

The proposal for the Santos Port Authority’s president is to get technical teams to exchange their experiences. “The idea is to copy and learn, together with the Port of Paranaguá, what Paranaguá has already faced, mainly about legal modeling, holding auctions, and challenges – all with greater efficiency in mind so that we can deliver the results expected by the Minister of Ports and Airports, Silvio Costa,” explained Pomini.

“We, as the Secretariat of Ports and as managers of the national port system, see this initiative as an excellent joint action, and we are sure that this type of agenda can only provide excellent results,” highlighted Secretary Ávila.

Excellence in port management in Paraná

According to Pomini, the excellence in the management of the ports of Paraná motivated the delegation’s visit from the Port of Santos to the Port of Paranaguá this Thursday (11).

“The numbers speak for themselves, in addition to the awards and recognition of the excellence of Portos do Paraná’s current management. The Port of Santos handles 174 million tons, and 30% of the commercial flow passes through there, but our idea is to copy the good management of Paranaguá and implement it in the Port of Santos. If we are efficient with this potential, you can be sure that these numbers will differ in a few years,” declared Pomini.

According to the federal government, Portos do Paraná is currently four times consecutive champion in best Brazilian port management. “This partnership between Santos and Paranaguá is extremely important, as we can exchange knowledge and experiences that enhance good port practices and help us offer efficient and excellent services,” stated Garcia.

On Wednesday (10), part of the delegation was already in Paranaguá and had access to the operation and engineering results from Paraná, as well as the Portos do Paraná infrastructure during a visit to the Port of Paranaguá pier. This Thursday (11), the group participated in a maritime visit and a helicopter flight over the port area and followed presentations on contract management and delegation agreements.

In addition to the CEO, the Director of Engineering and Maintenance, Victor Kengo, also welcomed visitors: the legal director, Marcus Freitas; the Director of Environment, João Paulo Santana; the Director of Operations, Gabriel Vieira; managers and coordinators from different sectors of Portos do Paraná.

In addition to the president of the Santos port authority, the Port of Santos delegation included the director of Operations, Beto Mendes, the manager of Institutional Relations, Guilherme Fernandes de Souza, the advisor to the director of Business Development and Regulation, Luiz Henrique Garcia, and the Strategic Planning manager, Rodrigo Tommasi Marinho.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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