Marcon Logística Portuária

Partnership with private initiative transforms the Port of Paranaguá

The partnership between port authority and Portos do Paraná operators is transforming the Port of Paranaguá. This week, a new shiploader, equipment used to load ships, began to operate in berth 206. A new mobile crane for unloading fertilizer is also being installed in berths 208, 209 and 211.

The investments are private and are part of the contracts signed between the operating companies, lessees and the government. “The current management model follows the landlord lines, in which the port authority is responsible for managing the port and providing the necessary structure for cargo handling activities. The private sector, on the other hand, is responsible for the superstructure: equipment, warehouses and labor ”, explains the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia.

In this model, reversible assets, acquired by the private sector, become part of the Union’s equity after the contract period.

SHIPLOADER – The investment of R $ 30 million in berth 206 is from Bunge. The equipment made the first operation this week and loaded 32,000 tons of soybean meal on the ship Siana, which left for Singapore.

The shiploader is part of a project to modernize the port belt and has a dust capture system, which reduces the emission of particles in the air during the loading of ships. “It allows for more targeted loading and thus avoids the emission of dust during shipment. The result is a cleaner operation at the Port of Paranaguá ”, says the director of Operations, Luiz Teixeira.

MHC – Rocha Terminals Portuarios will install a new mobile crane for landing fertilizers, in berths 208, 209 and 211. The investment is 3.6 million Euros (€). The crane has a capacity of 100 tons of cargo and unloading grabs of 28 cubic meters. The equipment arrived on the last day 06 and should start operating in the coming days.

PORTÊINER – In July, two equipment for handling containers used in the port completes one year. Portainers are the largest in Brazil, with 66 meters of boom and 50 meters of free span from the track, reaching up to 24 rows on the ship.

The acquisition is part of the expansion of the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP). Investments exceed R $ 600 million, being considered the largest work in the Brazilian port sector in recent years.

ANOTHER COT – The Fospar terminal, operator of solid bulk imports in berths 200 and 200A, in the Port of Paranaguá, foresees an increase of 600 thousand tons per year, starting this year, with the conclusion of the recent investments – about R $ 225 million – and resumption of use of the pier’s internal berth (200A).

In its own optimization project, which started in 2016 and was completed last year, the company built a new warehouse, dredged the internal cradle and equipped the terminal with new conveyor belt systems for unloading (from ships) and also for the loading of trucks and wagons, as well as the implementation of state-of-the-art systems and technologies to streamline the logistics operation.

With the recent improvements, the company now has two warehouses, two conveyor belt systems for unloading products, and four other resumption systems for loading, which serve to load both wagons and trucks that take the products to the destination.

The new structures, as well as the resumption of use of the internal cradle, became operational in March after obtaining all authorizations from Organs competent bodies.

STORAGE – In the retro area, a major investment in expansion was made this year by the company Cattalini, one of the main operators of liquid bulk in the Port of Paranaguá. Since April, the new tanking center, the CT4, has been in operation.

As the company reports, in the 25,700 square meter area there are 17 tanks with the capacity to store up to 91,000 m3 of liquids. The new CT, according to Cattalini, increases the company’s static capacity by 17.5%.

With the new facilities, the operator has 133 tanks, 610 thousand m³ for the storage of various products, distributed in five Tanks Centers (CTs) bonded and warehouses.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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