Marcon Logística Portuária

National Transport Confederation highlights growth of Portos do Paraná

The National Transport Confederation launched the 3rd volume of the Brazilian Cargo Terminals – Port Gateways series and highlighted in the publication the growth of Portos do Paraná, a public company linked to the Government of the State of Paraná and which manages the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina. The Port of Paranaguá was one of 12 port assets analyzed, which represent around 64% of total long-haul movement in Brazil in the last two years.

The 231-page document presents a complete mapping of all areas of the sector’s production chain, with emphasis on the so-called gateways, which are port facilities that handle long-haul cargo.

According to the CEO of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, one of the highlights of the material are leases, considering that the public company is a pioneer in Brazil in bidding procedures. Since 2019, Portos do Paraná has held the Federal Delegation of Competences and has already held auctions for leases PAR 01, 09, 12, 32 and 50. “Updating the published data and adding up all the auctions already approved for execution, estimates are R$ 2.1 billion in investments for the coast of Paraná”, highlighted Garcia.

The document also discloses the movement of cargo carried out between 2013 and 2022, which appears to be higher in the last three years. According to the document, “the high movement of the Port of Paranaguá in recent years was largely driven by the high production of soybeans in the country, but mainly by the record production in the state of Paraná, which is responsible for around 15% of the national harvest” .

Data from this year reveal that ports in Paraná continue to grow in productivity. In December 2023, Portos do Paraná reached the mark of 60 million tons handled, a historic number for the public company.

“In addition to market demand, logistics intelligence – with operational adjustments, adjustments to truck and train maneuvering times – allowed us to achieve 10 million tons more loading and unloading compared to the level when we took over management, in 2019”, explained the CEO.

The final considerations of the document bring together an overview of the Brazilian port sector, including the profile of cargo handled by the terminals, which revealed that “organized ports have a greater variety of products, while private terminals tend to be more specialized”.

In the case of Portos do Paraná, soybean and container cargo are leaders in movement. “We seek to serve the largest possible number of cargoes and operations with excellence and variety of services. To achieve this, we invest in management and today we are a national highlight: we have won the award for best port management in Brazil four times in a row”, highlighted Garcia.

About the series “Cargo Terminals of Brazil”

Prepared by CNT, the first volume addressed general aspects about cargo terminals. Volume II focused on national airport gateways. Volume III analyzed the main Brazilian port gateways. The volumes provide data and technical analyzes to assist decision-making by public managers and private agents, in addition to the appropriate targeting of resources. Below are the links to each volume:

Volume 1:

Volume 2:

Volume 3:


Source: Portos do Paraná



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