Marcon Logística Portuária

Minister highlights MDIC actions to facilitate trade and reduce bureaucracy

Among other simplification measures, Marcos Jorge cited the finalization of the Single Foreign Trade Portal during a meeting of the board of the Competitive Brazil Movement

São Paulo (April 26) – In a meeting with businessmen who make up the Superior Council of the Competitive Brazil Movement (MBC), Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services, Marcos Jorge presented the actions developed at MDIC with a focus on trade facilitation and reduction of bureaucracy. “Making Brazil a more competitive country is a challenge that involves the action of the entire Esplanada dos Ministérios, large businessmen and entities such as the Competitive Brazil Movement,” said the minister.

The entity, which turns 18, presented to the directors during the meeting in São Paulo the balance of the actions carried out in 2017 and the pillars that will guide action in 2018: debureaucratization, digital economy and governance and management. For Marcos Jorge, the increase of the competitiveness of the Brazilian industry is a primordial condition for the advance of Brazil in front of the global economy.

To this end, in 2018, the Ministry will finalize the last stage of the Single Foreign Trade Portal, “an initiative that benefits the exporter and the importer, since it eliminates the use of paper, reduces bureaucracy and greatly simplifies the life of the entrepreneur . The Single Foreign Trade Portal reduces time and cost in export and import operations, “he said.

The minister recalled that, in the current stage of implementation, the portal already directly benefits 5 million export operations per year from more than 255 thousand companies.

Since 2016, MDIC has implemented administrative simplification measures. The minister also cited specific actions for micro and small businesses, from the return of the Special Secretariat for Micro and Small Enterprises part of the structure of the MDIC.

The restructuring of the Brazilian Industrial Property System and the results of this initiative to improve the business environment were also addressed. The minister recalled MBC’s engagement in promoting improvements to the industrial property system in partnership with MDIC and INPI.

Industry 4.0

In March, MDIC, in partnership with the Brazilian Industrial Development Agency (ABDI), launched the National Strategy for Industry 4.0. “We have a huge challenge ahead. We are about to enter the fourth Industrial Revolution and our country has to be prepared for the necessary changes, “he said.

The minister closed his speech by emphasizing, in a special way, the importance of the MBC’s actions for the progress of our country. “The Competitive Brazil Movement exercises, with great competence, the mission of promoting the sustainable competitiveness of Brazil, without losing sight of the improvement of the quality of life of our population,” he said.


Source: MDIC



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