Marcon Logística Portuária

Cargo movement will have a more intense pace in this harvest

The Ports of Paraná are preparing for a more intense flow of grain destined for export, with the arrival of the 2018/19 harvest, which comes from the interior of the State and the states of the Southeast and Center-West of the country.

As of this week, the expectation is an increase both in the flow of trucks to discharge the product and in the number of ships to load the commodities destined to other countries.

The Port Administration of Paranaguá and Antonina works together with the port community to avoid queues on the roads and access roads, as well as to maintain efficiency in the shipment of ships, reducing the length of time the vessels remain. “We are prepared to receive a quantity of cargo. In traffic, our greatest concern is to finalize the construction of the viaduct at BR 277, at the entrance of the city. We are on schedule and we hope to finalize this first semester, “said CEO Luiz Fernando Garcia.

The operational team of the Port of Paranaguá expects a gradual increase in the number of trucks destined to the terminals of Paraná. The flow in the Sorting Patio, which is usually 1,000 vehicles per day, has risen to 1,700 trucks and can reach up to 2,000 vehicles as early as the beginning of March.

SHIPS – Since the beginning of the year, 47 ships left Paraná loaded with Brazilian agricultural production, 27 of them with soy. In total, more than 2.7 million tons of soy, corn and soybean meal were loaded in the three cages of the Port of Paranaguá Export Corridor and another two (201 and 204), which also carry solid bulk for export.

On Tuesday (26), two ships carried 125.5 thousand tons of bran and one received 66.5 thousand tons of soy.

At the same time, two other ships were scheduled to dock and load 130.3 thousand tons of soybeans and six vessels waited offshore to receive a total of more than 319.1 thousand tons of grain.

By March 10, three ships are expected to carry soybeans, three for bran and two for corn.

REFERENCE – According to the head of the Silo Division of Appa, Gilmar Francener, the biggest differential is the paranaense system of grain shipments in the Export Corridor, formed by a set of terminals that work in pool.

“Paranaguá has no waiting lines for ships. The ships arrive and are practically released to dock. There is a very large agility that reduces boarding time. In addition, we are reference in the quality of the products and the care with the weight of the products embarked “, affirms.

The model is unique in Brazil. The cargo can be shipped simultaneously to the three berths exclusively for bulk (212, 213 and 214) and it is possible that one vessel receives merchandise from different producers – including small ones. All grains are evaluated by the Paraná Product Classification Company (Claspar).

DOWNLOAD – It is not only ship loading that stands out in the operations of Solid Export Bulk. The system adopted to receive the trucks also ensures organization, agility and productivity.

The Screening Courtyard is where trucks arrive and wait to unload at the terminals. The vehicles are all registered in the origin of the cargo, by the port operators.

Each operator has a registration quota that is released according to the performance of each terminal. This performance is the terminal’s ability to unload incoming trucks. “For example, one terminal registered 300 trucks for that day. So he has up to 14 hours, from the entrance to the Courtyard, to call and unload these trucks. After this time, the system blocks new registrations for three days. If this time exceeds even more, reaching up to 24 hours, the blocking remains until the entire quota from the terminal is lowered, “explains Marcos Hauly, responsible for Appa’s Sorting Courtyard.

This system that considers the dwell time of the trucks in the yard works as a “performance meter”. Trucks arriving without registration are fined by Antaq. The fine, which amounts to R $ 2 thousand, goes to the operator responsible.

FORECAST- Considering the operators of the Export Corridor and the others (who use other berths of the commercial dock), there are currently 21 companies that move grain through the port of Paraná (10 private terminals and 11 that operate through the public structure).

Together, for the next three months, these terminals expect to receive a volume of more than 7.5 million tons of grain for discharging, mainly soybeans (over 4.7 million tons).

Of the soybeans exported by the Port of Paranaguá, according to Francener, 72% are produced by the State itself, another 10% come from Mato Grosso, 9% from Goiás, 3% from Mato Grosso Sul and a parcel about 2% still come from Santa Catarina, São Paulo and other states.

Source: APPA – Administração dos Portos de Paranaguá e Antonina



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