Marcon Logística Portuária

Ports of Paraná invest safely at the dock

The Ports of Paraná are constantly investing to strengthen security in the Port of Paranaguá region. In addition to the joint action with the Federal Police and State Police and the Municipal Guard, in the safety of trucks and vehicles at the entrance of the city, the Administrative Port Security Unit (UASP) acts to restrain criminal actions inside the public dock.

In order to expand its operations, port administration invests in training and technology. “We did a training of the guards this month and started the process of renting drones for inspection and monitoring,” says the head of UASP, Major Cesar Kamakawa.

According to him, the Security Plan of the Port of Paranaguá also undergoes a revision and must be modernized. The intention is to increase the control in the entrance and exit of the bonded areas.

STRUCTURE – The Ports of Paraná were the first public terminals in Brazil to receive the definitive certification of the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities (ISPS Code).

At the three vehicle access gates (cars and trucks with goods), in addition to the 12 scales and camera systems, there is a plate recognition and reading system, radiofrequency gates and closed circuit TV. The access of the driver is exclusively biometric, that is, by the recognition of the digital ones. All vehicles must be registered and carry a bar code tag to go through the gate.

Whoever accesses the pier on foot, as is the case of the workers and crew, has the luggage and bags inspected by the scanners. They still go through identification turnstiles, biometrics readers, and bi-directional tourniquet.

The Administration also has a cargo scanner at the commercial dock to inspect the cargoes that land at the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP) and enter the public area of ​​Porto. The equipment can detect any type of substance, such as chemicals, weapons or drugs.

The images are sent directly to the IRS system, which crosses, in real time, with the data described in the invoice. Thus, the inspection process gets faster and more accurate.

APREENSIONS – The strict control of the traffic of people, vehicles and cargo in the ports of Paraná has helped in the work of the Internal Revenue Service in combating drug trafficking and other criminal practices. This year, drug seizures grew by almost 20%, according to data from the Customs of the Federal Revenue of the Port of Paranaguá.

In the first three months of this year, 5,843 kilos of cocaine were seized at the Container Terminal. Last year, in the same period, were 4,895 kilos.

“These seizures are the result of terminal security alerts, the use of container scanning images, as well as our team’s research into cargo, transportation, handling and final destination, intelligence information and information from other national and international ports “Explains tax auditor Gerson Zanetti Faucz.

According to him, the Internal Revenue Service extensively uses risk analysis and management, using computerized data systems to identify importers and exporters.

“So we can quickly release the burdens of those who act correctly, and inspecting and retaining the goods of those who try to circumvent the legislation,” he says.

CONTAINERS – At the Paranaguá Container Terminal, all research work is conducted by Federal Revenue Service and Federal Police, who have access to TCP security systems and can monitor in real time the movement of people and cargo within the terminal, computerized systems.

It is up to TCP to maintain the proper functioning of the entire structure made available for the investigation work of the competent bodies. This is done through 250 high-resolution surveillance cameras and night vision around the perimeter, streets and warehouses of the terminal, as well as two state-of-the-art scanner and 24/7 risk assessment team.

Regarding the scanning activities, the company points out that it makes available to the Federal Revenue and Federal Police an additional equipment to the minimum quantity provided for in the customs rules.

“In order to strengthen terminal security and ensure alignment with the practice adopted in most of the customs of other Brazilian ports, in addition to scanning 100% of the empty and export containers, TCP scans 100% of the import containers , also helping to identify and combat the crime of smuggling and misconduct, “says the company, through the press office.

Source: APPA – Administração dos Portos de Paranaguá e Antonina



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