Marcon Logística Portuária

Portos do Paraná proposes expansion of railway capacity

The Ports of Paraná administration has developed a project to improve and generate new alternatives to the road system and the modalities that operate in the Port of Paranaguá. The idea is to concentrate the railway discharge of solid bulk for export.

The project was presented by Portos do Paraná to the representatives of the Paranaguá Export Corridor Terminals, during the monthly meeting of the Paranaguá Export Corridor Terminal Association (Atexp).

Developed by the Engineering and Maintenance Department, in partnership with Rumo, the project provides benefits to the logistics chain (ports, operators, transporters), increasing the capacity to discharge and reduce costs, and also for the entire community.

According to the director of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia, the immediate improvements will be the elimination of road-rail interference; increased safety; fluidity in urban circulation; and noise reduction, especially those generated by the horns of the trains.

“As production increases and the movement of ports increases, it is necessary to plan a better special logistics organization for rail transportation. Therefore, we started a process of structuring a better railway reception, in a unique model still in the country, “says Garcia.

CONCENTRATION – The project proposes the construction of a moega (installation to receive and allocate solid granules to the conveyor belts) exclusive for the unloading of trains in the Port of Paranaguá Export Corridor. That is, solid bulk, such as soybeans, corn and bran, coming from the railroad would arrive in this structure and follow the terminals by conveyor belts.

In principle, there would be three independent lines of belts. Each one with capacity to receive load of up to 60 wagons simultaneously, of different products. These conveyor belts would be connected to the terminals leased by Portos do Paraná: Cargill, Centro Sul, Dreyfus, Cotriguaçu and Interalli. However, the other terminals could interconnect to the system or operate together.

REDUCES INTERFERENCES – This change, according to the Engineering Department of Portos do Paraná, significantly reduces road-rail interferences, intersections between roadways and train lines. The current 16 crosses would be reduced to just five. “In these interferences there are several compositions, throughout the day, with smaller trains. This means more disruption, more traffic disruption, “said Cristiano Donati, executive director of Rumo’s strategic projects area.

To complement the discharge concentration project, Rumo has pledged to contribute with investments in the modernization of the wagons and locomotives fleet, as well as the railway capacity. “The intention is to have larger trains. We’ll have fewer wagons, more capacity and speed. That is, a reduction of time and the number of times the train goes through these interferences, “says Donati.

GROWTH – For Donati, the project makes the railroad bulk grain export more efficient, which can increase the modal share from 30% to 50%. “We are working for the future, in anticipation of handling 80 million tons in 20 years. This is not going to happen if we consider only the modal road. The project tries to harmonize the modalities and reduce the dependence of the trucks, “he explains. The figures presented estimate the reduction of 700 trucks / day in Paranaguá, with an increase of 532 cars / day and reduction of up to 30% in logistics costs.

PROPOSAL – According to the CEO, the port operators will analyze the proposal and present comments and contributions at the next Atexp meeting. “This is the initial idea that our team has created and proposes. A completely new and innovative idea. Together with the terminals, we will model until arriving at the ideal project to execute “, concludes.

Present at the presentation of the project, the administrative and financial director of Ferroeste, Fábio Aquino Vieira, highlighted Portos do Paraná and Rumo for the proposal and made himself available to add. “The railways and the railroad of Paranaguá have a great potential to be explored by this project. We want to contribute and work in harmony, considering the lines of the West of the State, fundamental for the flow of the crops, “he says.

Source: APPA – Administração dos Portos de Paranaguá e Antonina



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