Marcon Logística Portuária

Portos do Paraná presents state advances at the 2023 Logistique Fair, in Joinville

Portos do Paraná participated this week, in Joinville (SC), in 2023 Logistique Fair, the main logistics sector fair in the southern region of Brazil. It continues until this Thursday (24), at the pavilions of Expoville Joinville, from 1 pm to 9 pm.

The public company’s business director, André Pioli, spoke on the panel “Navigation Challenges in the 3rd Millennium”. The debate was moderated by port consultant Marcelo Salles and was also attended by Júlio Dias, technical advisor to the office of the National Secretariat for Ports and Waterway Transport, and Cassio Schreiner, president of the Port of Itapoá (SC).

Pioli discussed the investments being made in the Port of Paranaguá, with emphasis on maintenance dredging, demolition, modernization of the export corridor, access channel and the new rail hopper, Moegão.

“At the Ports of Paraná we have done our homework. We have a top quality team, tuned in to everything that happens in the port area in the world. The focus is on planning, thinking ahead, seeing perspectives and anticipating,” said Pioli.

Another theme discussed was the strengthening of the port/city relationship, which has been very present in most of the actions planned by the public company in Paraná.

According to Pioli, this relationship is strengthened day by day. “It was Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior’s recommendation, right at the beginning of his first administration, that the ports of Paraná had their eyes turned to the coastal cities. And so we work by training our population in the island communities, we promote social actions with various services, we assume and pay an old debt with the municipality of Paranaguá, in the amount of approximately R$ 25 million, which can be invested in health, education and quality of life. life for people,” he said.

Another novelty in the port/city relationship, according to him, is that after intense work it was possible to take passenger ships to the Port of Paranaguá, with embarkation and disembarkation starting in December, continuing until March. “More than that, MSC Cruises has already confirmed its presence in the 2024/2025 season. This movement of tourists and passengers in transit will change the lives of people in our city, generating more jobs and income for everyone”, he added.

Source: Agência de Notícias do Paraná



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