Marcon Logística Portuária

Port structure supports truck drivers in combating Covid-19

Truck drivers and port workers working in the Port of Paranaguá are guided by medical teams, who measure temperature, assess symptoms compatible with Covid-19 and forward necessary cases. Service structures were set up at the Truck Sorting Yard and at the access to the Dom Pedro II pier.

The teams, hired by Portos do Paraná, will work 24 hours a day, in shifts, and include 14 nursing technicians, three administrative assistants and two hospital cleaners. The structure also has two medical posts and two nursing posts.

The public company is also purchasing 20,000 liters of gel alcohol; 144 liters of antiseptic soap (used in hospital environments); 5,000 pairs of gloves; 10,000 extra units of surgical masks; 21 tents and elevated cabins; 200 linear meters of insulation grid, 32 showers, 60 sinks and foot washer with sodium hypochlorite.

“We are taking all measures to protect those who cannot stop because they provide an essential service for Brazilian society. We will not measure efforts to fight the coronavirus in our community ”, highlights the president of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Fernando Garcia.

TRUCKERS – When arriving at the screening yard, drivers will have their body temperature checked. Cases above 37.8º will be sent to service tents, where they will answer a questionnaire about symptoms and health conditions.

Those considered asymptomatic, or with mild symptoms, will have priority in the discharge and will receive instructions to return to their homes. Those who need hospital care will be referred to the Hospital Regional do Litoral. An isolation area was prepared for cleaning the trucks, for these situations.

In addition, the Patio received new showers and a hand hygiene station. Living areas, such as tables and benches, have been removed and canteens start selling products only through windows. Audible warnings and communication materials were made available and contents on ways of prevention are sent via the Carga Online system, via SMS.

“We have developed a major operation to combat the spread of the virus. The objective is to ensure that whoever enters the courtyard receives primary health care, without overloading the coastal health system ”, explains the director of Environment for Portos do Paraná, João Paulo Ribeiro Santana.

APPROVAL – Truck drivers who were in the yard on Thursday (26) approved the initiative. Paulo Cesar de Oliveira Pereira, who came from Birigui (SP), was surprised by the action. “It is important because we travel around the country and have contact with many different people, from different places. It is the first port in Brazil to adopt these standards. ”

The striker Emerson de Paula dos Santos measured the temperature in less than 10 seconds, and also said he did not find this care in other ports. “It is very positive, it means respect and prevention for the truck driver.”

WORKERS – At the commercial pier in the Port of Paranaguá, port workers also have their temperatures checked. The pedestrian entry and exit flow has a new organization and separators to avoid proximity between people. Turnstiles and turnstiles are cleaned even more frequently and mobile sinks have been installed at the entrance and exit of the accreditation building. Those who go to the house must also go through a footwear disinfection area.

The doctor who coordinates the action, Michel Cadenas, reinforced that the investigation of workers in a feverish state helps in the identification of cases. “It is a warning sign that enables the most appropriate clinical management of the possibly infected patient. It is an important initiative and at an opportune time. ”

OTHER PLACES – The public silo, the courtyard of Vila da Madeira and Taguaré also received washbasins. In Antonina, sanitation stations are also available.

Source: Portos do Paraná



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