Marcon Logística Portuária

Operation will decongest access roads to Porto

The company Portos do Paraná began on Friday (18) an operation to guide, prevent and solve the problem of obstruction in the access roads to the Port of Paranaguá and the terminals of storage and movement of grain and containers. Called Operation Catheter, the measure is educational and aimed at truckers, but may lead to blocking the vehicle registration and restrict the loading and unloading of products. The action aims to end uneven parking on the streets and avoid traffic jams.

Organized by the Port Guard, the emergency measure should last about ten days and may be extended. “It is a joint action of the Operations Directorate and the Port Security Administrative Unit (Uasp) in an attempt to improve vehicle flow and avoid traffic blockages,” said Luiz Fernando Garcia, CEO of Portos do Paraná.

He explains that the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) is responsible for the sanctions applicable to port operators, but traffic violations within the city are the responsibility of the municipal power and the Military Police. “As a port authority, we have limits to our business, but we look to the agents involved, including the companies, so that together we can end up with uneven truck parking that creates problems not only for port operation but for the entire city.” , complete.

OPERATION – According to information from Uasp, from this Friday (18) and for the next days, three vehicles and six port guards will make the round and will be positioned at five most critical points. In addition to guiding drivers on the routes to be followed, depending on the nature of the load, the guards will record a police report for action on irregularities or if drivers insist on the violation.

Violators will have truck license plates noted. The situation will be recorded with images and the traffic violation, disobedience or other report will go to the Port Guard chief, who may block the vehicle in the primary lane access system, public terminals, courtyards, Cargo Online system and in the container trucks, in the access system of the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP).

For preventive purposes, Operation Catheter aims to identify and analyze locations and major causes of congestion and obstruction of access roads. “This information verified on site will serve to suggest that new operating and administrative procedures are suggested and adopted, internally or externally, with the consent of the other terminals and inspection agencies,” explains the Port Guard, in a statement.

WARNINGS – This Friday and Saturday (18 and 19), drivers registered in the Cargo Online system, already waiting in the yard or in transit, will receive an SMS with the following message: “trucks parked in forbidden places, blocking roads or cleaning trailers, will be restricted, leaving no registration for a new trip to Porto ”.

According to the Director of Operations of Portos do Paraná, Luiz Teixeira da Silva Júnior, in addition to the messages, the board of staff directed the operators to act in the terminal’s own queue. “Each operator has this responsibility, otherwise these locks will be made in the loading and unloading systems,” he says.

“When traffic jams happen, everyone loses. The user cannot reach the destination of his cargo, either in the hoppers of the bulk terminals or in the container yard. The citizen cannot transit and traffic safety is compromised. We are doing everything to minimize the effects of this port movement on the parnanguaras, ”says Teixeira.

See Operation Points for Catheter Operation

Point 1 – Ayrton Senna Avenue and Manoel Bonifácio Street. Action: traffic guidance; Container trucks for TCP, loaded or empty, should follow Manoel Bonifácio Street to Barão do Rio Branco Street.

Point 2 – Ayrton Senna Avenue and Colonel José Lobo Avenue. Action: traffic guidance and vehicle flow control.

Point 3 – Equine Coronel José Lobo Avenue and Barão do Rio Branco Street. Action: traffic guidance, vehicle flow control, inspection and registration of infraction to elaborate Occurrence Report.

Point 4 – end of Barão do Rio Branco Street and Coastal Avenue. Action: traffic guidance, vehicle flow control, inspection and registration of infraction to elaborate Occurrence Report.

Point 5 – Port Avenue, in front of the TCP. Action: traffic guidance, vehicle flow control, inspection and registration of infraction to elaborate Occurrence Report.

Source: Portos do Paraná



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