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Government begins another international mission with a visit to a business fair in China

With the aim of expanding trade with China and national and international companies based in the Asian country, attracting new investments to Paraná, the State Government began this Thursday (8) a new international trade mission. The team, led by vice-governor Darci Piana, began work with a visit to the China International Investment and Trade Fair (CIFIT), in the city of Xiamen, where thousands of companies, investors and government representatives from approximately 90 countries meet annually. to establish new commercial ties.

The opening ceremony was attended by Chinese government officials and representatives from several countries. During the ceremony, the Government of China announced Brazil as the featured country in this edition of CIFIT, highlighting the importance of trade relations between the two countries. The relationship with Paraná in this context is excellent. China is the main buyer of the State’s products, with US$3.7 billion transferred from January to July this year, a quarter of everything exported by Paraná.

In the afternoon, the delegation from Paraná visited stands at the fair, where the vice-governor, accompanied by the Secretary of Industry, Commerce and Services, Ricardo Barros, and a team from Invest Paraná, presented to participants and exhibitors the potential of the State in strategic sectors, such as medical technology, smart cities, innovation, urban and road mobility and sustainable energy generation. The conversations aimed to attract the interest of international companies to invest in Paraná.

According to Piana, like other recent international agendas led by governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior to Japan and South Korea, the Chinese mission represents economic potential for the State. “The Asian market continues to grow rapidly, with China currently being Brazil’s largest trading partner, so we are confident that our participation in the 23rd CIFIT will strengthen commercial ties with the country and open new opportunities for investment and economic development to Paraná”, he stated.

During the conversations, the vice-governor spoke, among other topics, about the large investments in infrastructure and logistics that are being made in Paraná, such as the road concessions package that represents the largest investment in works in Latin America. He also mentioned the more than 1,500 kilometers of new railway lines planned in the Nova Ferroeste project, the volume of cargo movement at the Ports of Paraná, which break annual export records, and the strength of Paraná’s agribusiness, which is going through an accelerated process of transition to agribusiness.

The delegation also visited the stands of Chinese Special Economic Zones (SEZs), in particular Fujian province and the Hi-Tech New Kinetic Energy Valley. There, the team learned about the structuring model of these zones and established contact with the companies located there to be able to advance possible partnerships and commercial partnerships.

Created in the 1980s, ZEEs marked the local transition to the Market Economy in China. They consist of areas specifically designed to direct industrial activity by offering advantages to attract foreign companies interested in establishing themselves in the country, associating themselves with local companies.

CIFIT – Held between the 8th and 11th of September 2023 in the Chinese port city of Xiamen, CIFIT is in its 23rd edition, which this year highlights news from local and international companies related to the water and waste treatment sectors , cleaning, investments, financial and health sector.

The exhibition takes place at the International Conference & Exhibition Center Xiamen, in a structure with more than 120 thousand square meters that has the presence of more than 4 thousand companies and 800 industrial groups from 90 countries. CIFIT’s objective is to stimulate bilateral investment, disseminate reliable information and explore the main global investment trends.

MISSION – This is just the first day of the Paraná mission to China, which runs until September 14th in the city of Xiamen and the capital Beijing. In addition to participating in CIFIT, the delegation will participate in the coming days in other business forums, meetings with potential investors, bilateral meetings and meetings with diplomats, including the Brazilian ambassador in Beijing.


Source: Agência de Notícias do Paraná



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