Marcon Logística Portuária

Exports increase through the Eastern Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá

With terminals fully focused on soy transport, especially in the last month of April, the operators of the East Export Corridor of the Port of Paranaguá (Corex) loaded 6,446,773 tons of vegetable bulk in the first four months of the year. The volume exceeds by 7.9% the volume shipped by the complex, in the same period last year, 5,975,114 tons.

In the four months, through Corex, the terminals shipped 3,035,441 tons of soybeans; 1,466,252 tons of soybean meal; 1,914,439 tons of corn; and 30,640 tons of wheat. In 2022, in the period, shipments totaled 3,592,513 tons of soybeans; 1,551,553 of bran; 798,152 of corn; and 32,895 of wheat.

In the last month of April, despite the shipment of corn through the east corridor, the volume shipped was 21.3% higher than the one handled in April 2022, with 1,452,893 tons. In the 30 days of the last month, 1,762,599 tons of soybeans, in grain and bran, were shipped from the three berths.

Soybean in grain alone, the volume exported reached 1,409,056.7 tons; 91.6% more than the 735,401 tonnes shipped on Corex in April last year. Of soybean meal, 353,542.2 tons were loaded in April this year against 345,570 tons in April 2022.

For the director of operations at Portos do Paraná, Gabriel Vieira, more than the volume, the net productivity achieved by the terminals and operators of the East Export Corridor is impressive.

DAILY PRODUCTIVITY – In the 30 calendar days of April last year, the average daily shipment through the east complex was 51,530.5 tons. Considering only the productive days, that is, without interruption due to rain (20.8 days), this average rose to 74,323 tons/day carried by the three berths.

In April of this year, productivity was 14.9 to 27.1% higher. Considering the 30 calendar days of the last month, as the executive explains, the average daily shipment is 59,219 tons. “However, in what I call net productivity, that is, considering that we had 18.8 productive days, without interruption due to rain, the performance rises to around 94,498 tons/day”, says Vieira.

Remembering that, when it rains, there is no solid bulk operation, in the last month of April, 11.2 days of stoppage due to rain were accumulated. “We had two more days of rain compared to April last year. Even so, productivity this year is higher”, comments the director, who attributes the gain to the latest operational adjustments made.

The increase in the Operational Draft to 12.80 meters and the revision of navigation restrictions, resulting from the results of the earthworks, are some of the factors that boosted this year’s results. “In addition to preventive maintenance of equipment, structures and the commitment of all stakeholders involved in operations, to improving performance”, concludes the operations director.


Source: Portos do Paraná



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